PHP code example of contoweb / laravel-pdflib

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download contoweb/laravel-pdflib library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


contoweb / laravel-pdflib example snippets


'Pdf' => Contoweb\Pdflib\Facades\Pdf::class,

use App\Documents\MarketingDocument;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Facades\Pdf;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;

class MarketingController extends Controller 
    public function storeDocument() 
        return Pdf::store(new MarketingDocument, 'marketing.pdf');

public function draw(Writer $writer)
    $writer->useFont('Arial', 12);
    $writer->writeText('Start something great...');


$writer->newPage(210, 297); // A4 portrait format 

namespace App\Documents;

use Contoweb\Pdflib\Concerns\FromTemplate;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Concerns\WithDraw;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Writers\PdfWriter as Writer;

class MarketingDocument implements FromTemplate, WithDraw
    public function template(): string {
        return 'template.pdf';
    // ...

    public function draw(Writer $writer)

namespace App\Documents;

use Contoweb\Pdflib\Concerns\FromTemplate;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Concerns\WithDraw;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Concerns\WithPreview;
use Contoweb\Pdflib\Writers\PdfWriter as Writer;

class MarketingDocument implements FromTemplate, WithDraw, WithPreview
    public function template(): string {
        return 'print.pdf';

    public function previewTemplate(): string
        return 'preview.pdf';

    public function offset(): array
        return [
            'x' => 20,
            'y' => 20,

return Pdf::inPreviewMode()->store(new MarketingDocument, 'marketing.pdf');

return Pdf::store(new MarketingDocument, 'marketing.pdf')->withPreview();

$writer->setPosition(10, 100);

// only X axis

//only Y axis

$writer->writeTextLine('your text');

// or

$writer->writeText('your text');



public function fonts(): array 
    return ['OpenSans-Regular'];

public function draw(Writer $writer)
    $writer->useFont('OpenSans-Regular', 12)
           ->writeText('This text is written with Open Sans font...');

public function fonts(): array
        return [
            'OpenSans-Regular' => [
                'encoding' => 'ansi',
                'optlist' => ''

public function colors(): array
    return [
        'orange-rgb' => ['rgb', 255, 165, 0],
        'blue-cmyk' => ['cmyk', 100, 100, 0, 0],


$writer->useFont('OpenSans-Regular', 12, 'blue-cmyk');

$items = [
	['first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe'],
	['first_name' => 'Jane','last_name' => 'Doe'],

$table = $writer
	->setPosition(10, 150)

	->withHeader(['First name', 'Last name'])
	->place("stroke={ {line=horother linewidth=0}}")

$writer->drawImage('/path/to/the/image.jpeg', 150, 100);

$writer->circleImage('/path/to/the/image.jpeg', 100);

public function exportLocation(): array
	return [
		'disk' => 'other',
		'path' => null,

public function fontsLocation(): array
	return [
		'disk' => 'other',
		'path' => 'custom-font-directory',

public function templateLocation(): array
	return [
		'disk' => 'other',
		'path' => 'custom-template-directory',

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Contoweb\Pdflib\PdflibServiceProvider"
php artisan make:document MarketingDocument