PHP code example of consilience / xero-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download consilience/xero-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


consilience / xero-api-client example snippets

use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\Oauth1\Authorise;

// The public certificate for your RSA-SHA1 public/private key pair will
// be registered with the Partner application on the gateway.
// See:

$authoriseClient = new Authorise([
    'consumer_key'      => 'S8IVZHU6...HUABRRK',
    'consumer_secret'   => 'PLWK9PBG...VHXAQOH',
    'callback_uri'      => 'your callback URL where the user will return to',
    'redirect_on_error' => true,
    'signature_method'  => Authorise::SIGNATURE_METHOD_RSA,
    'private_key_file'  => 'certs/privatekey.pem',
    'private_key_passphrase' => '',

$temporaryToken = $authoriseClient->getTemporaryToken();

if ($temporaryToken->isError()) {
    throw new Exception(sprintf(
        'Failed to get temporary token; error %s (%s)',

// Store the token object in the session for later.
// JSON serialise it; we will rebuild it.

Session::set('temporary_token', json_encode($temporaryToken));

// Your framework will probably have its own way to do a redirect
// that allows it to exit cleanly.

$authoriseUrl = $authoriseClient->authoriseUrl($temporaryToken);
header('Location: ' . (string)$authoriseUrl);

// The verifier will be supplied as a GET parameter.

$oauthVerifier = $_GET['oauth_verifier'];

// Retrieve (and rebuild) the temporary token object we saved earlier.

$temporaryToken = new Token(json_decode(Session::get('temporary_token'), true));

// Use these details to get the final Access Token.

$accessToken = $authoriseClient->getAccessToken(

$tokenKey = 123;
TokenStorage::save($tokenKey, json_encode($accessToken));

$authoriseClient->withUriFactory(new \Http\Factory\Guzzle\UriFactory);
$authoriseClient->withRequestFactory(new \Http\Factory\Guzzle\RequestFactory);
$authoriseClient->withClient(new \Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client);

$authoriseClient->withUriFactory(new \Http\Factory\Diactoros\UriFactory);
$authoriseClient->withRequestFactory(new \Http\Factory\Diactoros\RequestFactory);

use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\Oauth1\Token;
use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\OauthTokenInterface;

// Get the current token details from storage.

$tokenKey = 123;

$accessTokenData = TokenStorage::get($tokenKey);

$accessToken = new Token(json_decode($accessTokenData, true));

// Add a callback to persist any refresh to the token.

$onPersist = function (OauthTokenInterface $accessToken) use ($tokenKey) {
    TokenStorage::save($tokenKey, json_encode($accessToken));

// Tell the client how to persist token refreshes.

$oauth1Token = $oauth1Token->withOnPersist($onPersist);

// We will add a guard time of five minutes.
// The token will be renewed five minutes early each cycle just to
// cut down on the round-trip API accesses.

$oauth1Token = $oauth1Token->withGuardTimeSeconds(60 * 5);

// Example Private Application consumer key.

$oauth1Token = new Token ([
    'oauth_token' => 'PQ4351VSH4FHXTJTPN3JBBBNYSAYXM',

use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\AbstractClient;

use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\App\Partner;
use Consilience\XeroApi\Client\App\AppPrivate;

// This will create a PSR-18 client decorator.
// Just use it like a PSR-18 client.

// $client can be a Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface PSR-18 client
// of your choice, or `null` for auto-discovery.

$app = new AppPrivate($client, $oauth1Token, [
// or
$app = new Partner($client, $oauth1Token, [
    // The key and secret are needed for signing.
    'consumer_key'    => 'PQ4351VSH4FHXTJTPN3JBBBNYSAYXM',
    'consumer_secret' => '1FWE9NCU8SYB8S9ROFDTCUDCC3UXMF',
    // RSA is 

use Http\Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery;

// The request factory is just an example.
// If you have a concrete request class, then just use that.
// We are fetching the organisation from the 2.0 Accounting
// API and requesting a JSON response.

$messageFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();

// This is a very simple request, with no parameters and no payload.
// Builing more complex requests is a job for another package, and
// that will be auto-generated from the Xero OpenAPI specs.

$request = $messageFactory->createRequest(
)->withHeader('Accept', 'application/json');

$response = $app->sendRequest($request);

$payloadData = json_decode((string)$response->getBody(), true);

array(5) {
  string(36) "2f7b676d-2b01-4699-9148-f660b8331671"
  string(2) "OK"
  string(25) "Acme Payments"
  string(21) "/Date(1553978254788)/"
  array(1) {
    array(30) {
      string(24) "Acme Payments Company"
      string(24) "Acme Payments Company"
      string(2) "UK"
      string(7) "COMPANY"
      string(3) "GBP"
      string(2) "GB"
      array(0) {
      array(0) {
      array(0) {