PHP code example of conkal / ztring
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download conkal/ztring library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
conkal / ztring example snippets
use Conkal\ztring;
use Conkal\ztring;
echo ztring('this is test')->collapseWhitespace()->swapCase(); // THIS IS TEST
$string = \Conkal\ztring::create('test');
foreach ($string as $char) {
echo $char;
// 'test'
$string = \Conkal\ztring::create('test');
count($string); // 3
$string = \Conkal\ztring::create('test');
echo $string[1]; // 't'
$string = \Conkal\ztring::create('test'); // 'test'
ztring('This is a ')->append('test.'); // This is a test.
ztring('This is a test')->at(0); // 'T'
ztring('This is a test')->at(1); // 'h'
ztring('This is a test')->at(-1); // 't'
ztring('Camel-Case')->camelcase(); // 'camelCase'
ztring('test')->chars(); // ['t','e','s','t']
ztring('This is a test')->collapseWhitespace(); // 'This is a test'
ztring('this is a test')->endsWith('test'); // true
ztring('foobar')->ensureLeft('http://'); // 'http://foobar'
ztring('foobar')->ensureRight('.com'); // ''
ztring('test')->firstChar(); // 't'
ztring('test')->first3Chars(); // 'tes'
ztring('test')->lastChar(); // 't'
ztring('test')->last3Chars(); // 'est'
ztring('fòôbàř')->length(); // 6
ztring('Test')->lowerCaseFirst(); // 'test'
ztring('bàř')->prepend('fòô'); // 'fòôbàř'
ztring('This is test.')->replace('This ', 'These '); // 'These is test.'
ztring('fòôbàř')->reverse(); // 'řàbôòf'
ztring('This is a testğüşçö')->slug(); // 'this-is-a-test'
ztring('This is a test')->startsWith('This', false); // true
ztring('This is a test')->substr(0, 4); // 'This'
ztring('Test')->swapCase(); // 'tEST'
ztring('this is a test')->titleCase();
// 'This Is A Test'
$languageSpecific = [
'ğ' => 'g',
'ü' => 'u',
'ı' => 'i',
'ş' => 's',
'ç' => 'c',
'ö' => 'o',
'Ğ' => 'G',
'Ü' => 'U',
'Ş' => 'S',
'Ö' => 'O',
'Ç' => 'C',
'İ' => 'I',
ztring('türkçe')->ascii($languageSpecific); // 'turkce'
ztring('OFF')->toBoolean(); // false
ztring('THIS')->lowerCase(); // 'this'
ztring('this is a test')->titleCase(); // 'Fòô Bàř'
ztring('test')->uppercase(); // 'TEST'
ztring(' test ')->trim(); // 'test'
ztring('this is a test')->upperCaseFirst(); // 'This is a test'
ztring('this is a test')->words(); // ['This', 'is', 'a', 'test']
ztring('this is a test?--*üğişçö')->sanitize(); // 'this is a test'
ztring('This is a test')->acronym(); // 'TIAT'
ztring('This is a test')->acronym('.'); // 'T.I.A.T.'
ztring('1---*?=)(2hjkghkj,iüğ\ş3/*-')->number(); //123