PHP code example of concepture / yii2-handbook-module

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download concepture/yii2-handbook-module library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


concepture / yii2-handbook-module example snippets

return [
    'yii2handbook' => [
        'domainMap' => [
            'example1.loc' => 'example1',
            'example2.loc' => 'example2'

   Yii::$app->dynamicElementsService->getDataSet($model = null);

          'extensions' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\twig\DynamicElementsExtension'

          'extensions' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\v2\twig\DynamicElementsExtension'

              'modules' => [
                      'handbook' => [
                          'class' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\Module',
                          'controllerMap' => [
                              'dynamic-elements' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\console\controllers\DynamicElementsCommand',

        public function actions()
            $actions = parent::actions();
            $actions['robots'] = [
                'class' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\actions\RobotsAction',
            return $actions;

       return [
               'pattern' => 'robots',
               'route' => 'site/robots',
               'suffix' => '.txt'

        'components' => [
            'urlManager' => [
                'class' => 'concepture\yii2handbook\components\routing\DomainUrlManager',
                'rules' => 

              'patterns' => [
                  DomainEnum::A => 'objects',
                  DomainEnum::B => 'subjects',
              'route' => 'object/index'
              'patterns' => [
                  DomainEnum::A => "objects/<seo_name:({$seo_name_regexp})>",
                  DomainEnum::B => "subjects/<seo_name:({$seo_name_regexp})>",
              'route' => 'object/view'
                'pattern' => 'robots',
                'route' => 'site/robots',
                'suffix' => '.txt'

        'view' => [
            'renderers' => [
                'twig' => [
                      'extensions' => [

        ],    ...

    return [
        'yii2handbook' => [
            'domainMap' => [
                'alias.loc' => [
                    'alias' => 'alias',
                    'locale' => 'ru',
                    'hreflang' => 'ru-ru'

    	use concepture\yii2handbook\actions\PositionSortIndexAction;
    	use kamaelkz\yii2admin\v1\actions\EditableColumnAction;
    	use kamaelkz\yii2admin\v1\actions\SortAction;
    	use concepture\yii2handbook\services\EntityTypePositionSortService;
    	use kamaelkz\yii2admin\v1\controllers\traits\ControllerTrait;
    public function actions(): array
        $actions = parent::actions();
        return array_merge($actions,[
            PositionSortIndexAction::actionName() => [
                'class' => PositionSortIndexAction::class,
                'entityColumns' => [
                'labelColumn' => 'name',
            EditableColumnAction::actionName() => [
                'class' => EditableColumnAction::class,
                'serviceClass' => EntityTypePositionSortService::class
            SortAction::actionName() => [
                'class' => SortAction::class,
                'serviceClass' => EntityTypePositionSortService::class

    use concepture\yii2handbook\actions\PositionSortIndexAction;
        Yii::t('yii2admin', 'Сортировка'),

        'view' => [
            'renderers' => [
                'twig' => [
                      'extensions' => [

        ],    ...

    'yii2admin-navigation' => [
            'label' => Yii::t('yii2admin', 'SEO блоки'),
            'url' => ['/handbook/seo-block/index'],
            'active' => [
                'rules' => [
                    'c' => ['seo-block']