PHP code example of combindma / laravel-popularity

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download combindma/laravel-popularity library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


combindma / laravel-popularity example snippets

use Combindma\Popularity\Traits\Visitable;

class Page extends Model
    use Visitable;


// Adding a visit to the page.

// Adding a visit to the page with ip address.

// Adding a visit with the given ip address.

// Adding a visit with custom data.
$page->visit()->withData(['item' => 'value']);

// Adding a visit with logged user.

// Adding a visit with the given user.

// Adding a visit with all above methods.
$page->visit()->withIp()->withUser()->withData(['item' => 'value']);

// creates visits after hourly timeframe

// creates visits after a daily timeframe

// creates visits after a weekly timeframe

// creates visits after a monthly timeframe

// gets the total visit count
$page = Page::withTotalVisitCount()->first();
return $page->visit_count_total;

// gets records by all time popularity
$pages = Page::popularAlltime()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count_total;

// gets popular records between two dates
$pages = Page::popularBetween(Carbon::createFromDate(1990, 12, 01), Carbon::createFromDate(1990, 12, 04))->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by the last x days
$pages = Page::popularLastDays(2)->get();
retutn $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by the last week
$pages = Page::popularLastWeek()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by this week
$pages = Page::popularThisWeek()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by the last month
$pages = Page::popularLastMonth()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by this month
$pages = Page::popularThisMonth()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;

// gets popular records by this year
$pages = Page::popularThisYear()->get();
return $pages->first()->visit_count;
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="popularity-migrations"
php artisan migrate