PHP code example of combindma / laravel-facebook-pixel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download combindma/laravel-facebook-pixel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


combindma / laravel-facebook-pixel example snippets

return [
     * The Meta pixel id, should be a code that looks something like "1202417153106158".
    'pixel_id' => env('META_PIXEL_ID', ''),

     * The key under which data is saved to the session with flash.
    'session_key' => env('META_PIXEL_SESSION_KEY', config('').'_metaPixel'),

     * Only if you plan using Conversions API for server events
     * To use the Conversions API, you need an access token. For Documentation please see:
    'token' => env('META_PIXEL_TOKEN', ''),

     * Enable or disable advanced matching. Useful for adjusting user privacy.
    'advanced_matching_enabled' => env('META_PIXEL_ADVANCED_MATCHING_ENABLED', true),

     * Enable or disable script rendering. Useful for local development.
    'enabled' => env('META_PIXEL_ENABLED', false),
     * Enable or disable logging. Useful for debugging.
    'logging' => env('META_PIXEL_LOGGING', false),

     * This is used to test server events
    'test_event_code' => env('META_TEST_EVENT_CODE'),

->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {

Route::group(['middleware' => [MetaPixelMiddleware::class]], static function () {


// CheckoutController.php
use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;

public function index()
    MetaPixel::track('Purchase', ['currency' => 'USD', 'value' => 30.00]);
    return view('thank-you');

//For example your order id
MetaPixel::track('Purchase', ['currency' => 'USD', 'value' => 30.00], '123456');

//Or create a unique id using
$eventId = uniqid('ViewContent_', true);
MetaPixel::track('ViewContent', [], $eventId);

// ContactController.php
use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;

public function postContact()
    // Do contact form stuff...
    MetaPixel::flashEvent('Lead', [
        'content_name' => 'Auto Insurance',
        'content_category' => 'Quote',
        'value' => 400.00,
        'currency' => 'USD'
    return redirect()->action('ContactController@getContact');

use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;

// Retrieve your Pixel id
$id = MetaPixel::pixelId();
// Set Pixel id on the fly
// Set Pixel token on the fly
// Check whether script rendering is enabled
$enabled = MetaPixel::isEnabled(); // true|false
// Enable and disable script rendering on the fly
// Add event to the event layer (automatically renders right before the pixel script). Setting new values merges them with the previous ones.
MetaPixel::track('eventName', ['attribute' => 'value']);
MetaPixel::track('eventName', ['attribute' => 'value'], 'event_id'); //with an event id
MetaPixel::track('eventName'); //without properties 
MetaPixel::track('eventName', [], 'event_id'); //with an event id but without properties
// Flash event for the next request. Setting new values merges them with the previous ones.
MetaPixel::flashEvent('eventName', ['attribute' => 'value']);
MetaPixel::flashEvent('eventName', ['attribute' => 'value'], 'event_id'); //with an event id
MetaPixel::flashEvent('eventName'); //without properties
//Clear the event layer.

use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;

// In your controller
MetaPixel::trackCustom('CUSTOM-EVENT-NAME', ['custom_parameter' => 'ABC', 'value' => 10.00, 'currency' => 'USD']);
//With an event ID
MetaPixel::trackCustom('CUSTOM-EVENT-NAME', ['custom_parameter' => 'ABC', 'value' => 10.00, 'currency' => 'USD'], 'EVENT_ID');

use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;

    MetaPixel::track('Purchase', [
        'currency' => 'EUR',
        'value' => $product->price

//in your controller

use Combindma\FacebookPixel\Facades\MetaPixel;
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\Content;
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\CustomData;
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\DeliveryCategory;
use FacebookAds\Object\ServerSide\UserData;

//Prepare User Data first.
// By default, the IP Address, User Agent and fbc/fbp cookies are added.
$user_data = MetaPixel::userData()->setEmail('[email protected]')->setPhone('12345678901');

$content = (new Content())
$custom_data = (new CustomData())
$eventId = uniqid('prefix_');
//send request
MetaPixel::send('Purchase', $eventId ,$custom_data, $user_data);

MetaPixel::send('Purchase', $eventId, $custom_data);
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="meta-pixel-views"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="meta-pixel-config"