PHP code example of coliving / laravel-autotranslate

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download coliving/laravel-autotranslate library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


coliving / laravel-autotranslate example snippets

return [

     * The source language that your application language is in before translation.
    'source_language' => 'en',

     * This is your DeepL API key.
    'api_key' => env('AUTOTRANSLATE_DEEPL_KEY'),

     * DeepL supports settings for each language to translate to.
     * These are the default settings that will be applied
     * unless you override it for a specific language below.
     * See the DeepL PHP SDK for more information:
    'options' => [

        // Choose the formality of the text.
        // This setting is only available for certain languages:
        // Available options: 'less', 'more', 'default', 'prefer_less', 'prefer_more'
        'formality' => 'default',

        // Specify how input text should be split into sentences.
        // Available options: 'on', (default) 'off', 'nonewlines'
        'split_sentences' => 'on',

        // Controls automatic-formatting-correction.
        // Set to true to prevent automatic-correction of formatting.
        'preserve_formatting' => false,

        // Type of tags to parse before translation.
        // Available options: 'html', 'xml'
        'tag_handling' => 'html',

        // The ID of the DeepL glossary to use.
        'glossary' => null,

    'language_options' => [

//      'de' => [
//          'formality' => 'less',
//      ],


php artisan autotranslate:install
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-autotranslate-config"
php artisan autotranslate:translate sv