PHP code example of coercive / router

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download coercive/router library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


coercive / router example snippets

use Coercive\Utility\Router\Loader;


# Load one routes file
$router = Loader::loadByYaml('/path/routes.yml')
# OR multi-files
$router = Loader::loadByYaml(['/path/first_routes.yml', '/path/second_routes.yml', ...])


# Load one routes file
$router = Loader::loadByJson('/path/routes.json')
# OR multi-files
$router = Loader::loadByJson(['/path/first_routes.json', '/path/second_routes.json', ...])


# Load routes array
$router = Loader::loadByArray([
    INDEX => [
        '__' => 'Projet\Controller::Method',
        'FR' => '/',
        'EN' => '/'
    HOME => [
            '__' => 'Projet\Controller::Method',
            'FR' => 'accueil',
            'EN' => 'home'
    [ ... ]


# You can cache the prepared routes and re-inject them after
# For example, you have cache in var $cache

if( $cache->isCacheReady() ) {
    # YES
    # Load by cache
    $data = $cache->get()
    $router = Loader::loadByCache( $data )
else {
    # NO
    # Classical Load
    $router = Loader::loadByYaml( '/path/routes.yml' )

# /!\ Important
# On a previous page you have cached the prepared routes
$cache->set( $router->getPreparedRoutesForCache() )

# The second param in loader allow you to set a basepath before your routes
# You can now use the router in local mode or ip with subdirectories before
# Example :
$router = Loader::loadByArray([...], '/folder/subfolder')

# If you don't use the loader :

# OPTIONAL CONFIG PREFIX for loadByYaml or loadByJson
# (if use loadByArray : you have to set it yourself)
$router = Loader::loadByYaml([
	'SHOP_' => '/other-directory/shop/path/routes.yml',
	'BLOG_' => '/other-directory/blog/path/routes.yml'
# (the first route has no prefix, the others ID : SHOP_... and BLOG_...)

# Start

# Important: don't forget to start the router before use current route...
    // Get ID : (example : INDEX)

    // Get LANG : (example : EN)

    // Get Controller : (example : Projet\Controller::Method)

    // Get ALL Options : (array)

    // Get ONE Option : (example on BLOG route)

    // Force LANG : (example : EN)
    // If your process s it, you can change the protocol scheme
    // Useful for url builder

    // To apply your new host on base url, use setBaseUrl with no param

    // To overwrite current base url with custom one

# Util methods :
    // Get Access Mode : (example : GET, POST ...)

    // Get HTTP Mode : (http / https)

    // Get Server Script Uri

    // Get Server Script Url

    // Detect ajax request
    // Manually set ajax request

    // Get what data accepted : (example : json, xml ...)

    // Get current url
    $router->getCurrentURL() // xss filtered
    $router->getRawCurrentURL() // raw

    // Get server doc_root

# Switch lang for the current url
    # BLOG example
    # /{slug}/article-{nb:[0-9]{3}}[/{test:@[a-z]+}]

    // Get basic current url path for FR language

        /* blog-title/article-789 */

    // Same with the full path option
    $router->switchLang('FR', true)

        /* */

    // Create a new slug and add the optional test var (blog route)
        'EN' => [
            'slug' => 'my-new-slug',
            'test' => '@example'

    // You can prepare all data in one place
        'EN' => [...],
        'FR' => [...],
        'RU' => [...]

    // OR separately in multi places
        'EN' => [...]
    # ... some code
        'FR' => [...]
    # ... some code
        'RU' => [...]
    # ... some code

    // Now, when get the swithed path :

        /* my-new-slug/article-789/@example */

# You can reset overload params

    // Now, when get the swithed path, it returns the original params

        /* blog-title/article-789 */

# Switch params for the current url
    # SEARCH example
    # /search-article?q=hello&page=1

    // Rewrite only the page in french
    $router->switch('FR', [], ['page' => 2]);

        /* /recherche-un-article?q=hello&page=2 */

 	# BLOG example
    # /article-42?option=pdf&page=2

	// Rewrite id in same lang
    $router->switch('', ['id' => 55]);

        /* /article-55?option=pdf&page=2 */
	// Delete specific query item
    $router->switch('', [], ['option' => null]);

        /* /article-42?page=2 */

# etc...

$router->url('HOME') // current language
$router->url('HOME', null) // current language
$router->url('HOME', 'EN') // EN language

# For the next examples, i use the blog route
# /{slug}/article-{nb:[0-9]{3}}[/{test:@[a-z]+}]

# example-fabric-url/article-100
$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100])

# Full scheme autodetect (true | 'auto') or manually set
$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], null, true)

$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], null, 'http')

$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], null, 'https')

$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], null, 'ftp')

$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], null, '')

# example-fabric-url/article-100?param1=test1&param2=test2
$router->url('BLOG', 'FR', ['slug'=>'example-fabric-url', 'nb'=>100], ['param1'=>'test1', 'param2'=>'test2'])

# With Route object
echo $router->route('BLOG', 'FR')

# You may need to find a route relative to a specific url which is not the current url.
$example_referer_url = (string) filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$route = $router->find($example_referer_url);
echo $route->getId();

# For this example, we use the BLOG entry in the previous sample yaml.
#   options:
#       example: 'Hello World.'
$f = new Filter;
$f->options('example', 'Hello World.', 'string'); # third parameter is optional

$routes = $router->filter($f);

foreach ($routes as $route) {
    echo $route->getId() . ' - ' . $route->getOption('example') . '<br>';

# Class
$ctrl = new Ctrl;

# Set default controller

# Set App
# (Object optional : Example\\CtrlName->MethodName(> Param App <))
$ctrl->setApp(new App);

# Load