PHP code example of coercive / cookie

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download coercive/cookie library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


coercive / cookie example snippets

use Coercive\Security\Cookie\Cookie;

# No need to reload the document.
# The Cookie class creates and deletes cookies also in the super global $_COOKIE.

# Instantiate and set your options
$cookie = new Cookie;
// etc...

# Option : anonymise -> cookie names are now sha1 + salt
$cookie->anonymize(true, 'abcd1234');
# You can prefix anonymised cookie : Hello_*************
$cookie->anonymize(true, 'abcd1234', 'Hello_');

# Plain cookie
$cookie->set('MyCookie', 'Hey ! This is an example cookie !', time() + 600);
$var = $cookie->get('MyCookie');

# Crypted cookie
$cookie = new Cookie('My Password');
$cookie->setSafe('MyCookie', 'Hey ! This is an example cookie !', time() + 600);
$var = $cookie->getSafe('MyCookie');

# Delete cookie