PHP code example of codrasil / mediabox

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codrasil/mediabox library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codrasil / mediabox example snippets

use Codrasil\Mediabox\Mediabox;


$rootStoragePath = '/path/to/a/storage/folder';
$baseStoragePath = $_GET['p'] ?: $rootStoragePath;

$mediabox = new Mediabox($baseStoragePath, $rootStoragePath);

$mediabox->showHiddenFiles($yes = true);

foreach ($mediabox->all() as $file) {
    if ($file->isDir()) {
        echo $file->name().'/'.PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo $file->name().PHP_EOL;

// routes/web.php

use Codrasil\Mediabox\Mediabox;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

Route::get('media', function (Request $request, Mediabox $mediabox) {
    return view('')->withMediabox($mediabox);

$mediabox->addFile('Reminders/groceries.todo', 'Milk');

$mediabox->copy('Reminders/groceries.todo', 'Copy of groceries.todo');

$mediabox->copy('Reminders', 'Copy of Reminders');
// or
$mediabox->copyDirectory('Reminders', 'Copy of Reminders');

$mediabox->rename('Reminders/groceries.todo', 'Reminders/My Grocery List.todo');
// or
$mediabox->move('Reminders/groceries.todo', 'Reminders/My Grocery List.todo');

$mediabox->delete('Copy of Reminders');
$mediabox->delete('Copy of groceries.todo');
// or
$mediabox->delete(['Copy of Reminders', 'Copy of groceries.todo']);

// or

php artisan vendor:publish --tag mediabox
{{-- resources/views/path/to/a/view.blade.php --}}

@foreach ($mediabox->all() as $file)
  @if ($file->isDir())
    <p><i class="{{ $file->icon() }}">&nbsp;</i>{{ $file->name() }}/</p>
    <p><i class="{{ $file->icon() }}">&nbsp;</i>{{ $file->name() }}</p>