PHP code example of codingphase / fractalfy

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codingphase/fractalfy library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codingphase / fractalfy example snippets

  'providers' => [
      // ...
      // ...

class DashboardController extends FractalfyController

$users = Users::all();
return $this->fractal
    ->collection($users, new UserTransformer)

$users = Users::all();
return $this->fractal
    ->paginate($users, new UserTransformer)

return $this->respondOK();
return $this->respondNotFound();
return $this->respondUnauthorized();
return $this->respondUnprocessable();
return $this->respondBadRequest();
return $this->respondWithSuccess(200); //any success code
return $this->respondWithError(400); //any success code

return $this->respondOK($message); //pass message to respond
return $this->setMessage($message)->respondOK();
return $this->setMessage($message)->setStatusCode($statuscode)->respondWithSuccess(); 
return $this->setMessage($message)->setStatusCode($statuscode)->respondWithError();