PHP code example of codewithkyrian / chromadb-laravel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codewithkyrian/chromadb-laravel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codewithkyrian / chromadb-laravel example snippets

return [
     | ChromaDB Host
     | Here you may specify your ChromaDB Host. This is the host where your ChromaDB
     | instance is running. This is used to connect to your ChromaDB instance.
    'host' => env('CHROMA_HOST', 'localhost'),

     | ChromaDB Port
     | Here you may specify your ChromaDB Port. This is the port where your ChromaDB
     | instance is running. This is used to connect to your ChromaDB instance.
    'port' => env('CHROMA_PORT', 8000),

     | ChromaDB Tenant
     | This is the tenant that you want to connect to.
    'tenant' => env('CHROMA_TENANT', 'default_tenant'),

     | ChromaDB Database
     | This is the database that you want to connect to.
    'database' => env('CHROMA_DATABASE', 'default_database'),

     | ChromaDB Sync
     | This is the configuration for the ChromaDB Sync feature. This feature
     | allows you to sync data from your local database to your ChromaDB
     | instance.
    'sync' => [

         | ChromaDB Sync Enabled
         | This option controls whether the ChromaDB Sync feature is enabled. If
         | this is set to false, then the ChromaDB Sync feature will not be
         | enabled.
        'enabled' => env('CHROMA_SYNC_ENABLED', true),

         | ChromaDB Sync Queue
         | This option controls which queue the ChromaDB Sync feature will use.
         | This is used to queue the sync jobs. Set to false to disable queueing
         | and run the sync jobs immediately.
        'queue' => env('CHROMA_SYNC_QUEUE', 'default'),

         | ChromaDB Sync Connection
         | This option controls which connection the ChromaDB Sync feature will use.
         | This is used to queue the sync jobs.
        'connection' => env('CHROMA_SYNC_CONNECTION', 'database'),

         | ChromaDB Sync Tries
         | This option controls how many times the Job will be retried if it fails
         | while trying to sync the data to ChromaDB.
        'tries' => env('CHROMA_SYNC_TRIES', 3),


use Codewithkyrian\ChromaDB\Facades\ChromaDB;

ChromaDB::version(); // Eg. 0.4.2

$collection = ChromaDB::createCollection('collection_name');

$collection = ChromaDB::getCollection('collection_name');

$collection = ChromaDB::deleteCollection('collection_name');

$collections = ChromaDB::listCollections();

use Codewithkyrian\ChromaDB\Contracts\ChromaModel;
use Codewithkyrian\ChromaDB\Concerns\HasChromaCollection;

class User extends Model implements ChromaModel
    use HasChromaCollection;
    // ...

    public function documentFields(): array
        return [

        use Codewithkyrian\ChromaDB\Embeddings\JinaEmbeddingFunction;
        public function embeddingFunction(): string
            return new JinaEmbeddingFunction('jina-api-key');

    public function toChromaDocument(): string
        return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

        public function metadataFields(): array
            return [

    public function toChromaMetadata(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
            'first_name' => $this->first_name,
            'last_name' => $this->last_name,

$collection = User::getChromaCollection();

$collection->name; // users

$searchTerm = 'Kyrian';

$users = User::queryChromaCollection($searchTerm, 10)
            ->where('first_name', 'John')

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codewithkyrian\ChromaDB\ChromaServiceProvider" --tag="config"