PHP code example of codewithkyle / jitter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codewithkyle/jitter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codewithkyle / jitter example snippets

return [
    "accessKey" => getenv("PUBLIC_KEY"),
    "secretAccessKey" => getenv("PRIVATE_KEY"),
    "region" => "region-name",
    "bucket" => "bucket-name",
    "folder" => "transformed-images",
    "endpoint" => getenv("ENDPOINT_URL"),
    "acl" => "private", // supports "private" or "public-read"

return [
    "accessKey" => getenv("PUBLIC_KEY"),
    "secretAccessKey" => getenv("PRIVATE_KEY"),
    "region" => "region-name",
    "bucket" => "bucket-name",
    "folder" => "transformed-images",
    "endpoint" => getenv("ENDPOINT_URL"),
    "acl" => "public-read",
    "cdn" => ""

$jitter = new \codewithkyle\jitter\services\Transform();
$src = $jitter->generateURL([
    "id" => $image->id,
    "w" => 300,
    "ar" => "1:1",
$srcset = $jitter->generateSourceSet($image, [
        "w" => 300,
        "h" => 250,
        "w" => 768,
        "ar" => "16:9",
        "w" => 1024,
        "ar" => "16:9",