PHP code example of codermarcel / simple-controller

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codermarcel/simple-controller library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codermarcel / simple-controller example snippets

use Codermarcel\SimpleController\SimpleController;;

class MyExampleControllerExtended extends SimpleController
	 * Responds to requests to GET /
	public function getIndex()
		return echo 'Welcome!';

$app->mount('/', new App\Controllers\MyExampleControllerExtended());

class MyExampleControllerRaw
	 * Responds to requests to GET /
	public function getIndex()
		return echo 'Welcome!';

$app->mount('/', new Codermarcel\SimpleController\SimpleController('App\Controllers\MyExampleControllerRaw'));

class MyExampleControllerRaw
     * Responds to requests to GET /test
    public function getTest()

     * Responds to requests to GET /show/{id}
    public function getShow($id)

     * Responds to requests to GET /admin-profile
    public function getAdminProfile()

     * Responds to requests to POST /profile
    public function postProfile()


$app->mount('/', new App\Controllers\MyExampleControllerExtended());

use Codermarcel\SimpleController\SimpleController;;

class MyExampleControllerExtended extends SimpleController
	 * Responds to request to GET /
	public function getIndex()

	 * Responds to request to GET /login-page
	public function getLoginPage()

$app->mount('/user', new App\Controllers\MyExampleControllerExtended());

use Codermarcel\SimpleController\SimpleController;;

class MyExampleControllerExtended extends SimpleController
	 * Responds to request to GET /user/
	public function getIndex()

	 * Responds to request to GET /user/home-page
	public function getHomePage()

class MyExampleControllerRaw
	 * Responds to requests to POST /login{username}/{password}
	public function postLogin($username, $password)
		return sprintf('Trying to log in with username: %s and password: %s', $username, $password);

class MyExampleControllerRaw
	use Silex\Application;
	use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

	 * Responds to requests to GET /injection
	public function getInjection(Application $app, Request $request)

class MyExampleControllerRaw
	use Silex\Application;
	use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

	 * Responds to requests to GET /bind-example
	 * {@link}
	public function getBindExample(Application $app, $bind = 'bind_example')
		//Example usage of the bind_example route
		return new Response($app['url_generator']->generate('bind_example', array(), UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH));

class MyExampleControllerRaw
	use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
	use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

	 * Before middleware example
	 * {@link}
	public function beforeMiddleware(Request $request)
		if ($request->getRequestUri() === '/before-middleware')
			return new Response('YOU SHALL NOT PASS');

	 * After middleware example
	 * {@link}
	public function afterSomeRandomNameThatDoesntMatter(Request $request, Response $response, Application $app)
		if ($request->getRequestUri() === '/after-middleware')
			return new Response($response->getContent() . ' | after-middleware content');