PHP code example of codememory / entity-response-control
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codememory/entity-response-control library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
codememory / entity-response-control example snippets
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\ResponsePrototypeManager;
use Codememory\Reflection\ReflectorManager;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Factory\PrototypeExecutionContextFactory;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Factory\PropertyWrapperFactory;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Factory\PropertyExecutionContextFactory;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Collectors\BaseCollector;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\DecoratorRegistrar;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\NamingStrategy\SnakeCamelNamingStrategy;
$cache = new FilesystemAdapter('codememory', directory: 'cache');
$reflectorManager = new ReflectorManager($cache);
$decoratorRegistrar = new DecoratorRegistrar();
$manager = new ResponsePrototypeManager(
new PrototypeExecutionContextFactory(
new PropertyWrapperFactory()
new PropertyExecutionContextFactory(),
new BaseCollector(
new SnakeCamelNamingStrategy()
// Entity
class User {
public function getName(): string
return 'Foo';
public function getSurname(): string
return 'Bar';
// Prototype
class UserPrototype {
private ?string $name = null; // null - Default value
private ?string $surname = null; // null - Default value
// In order to collect it is necessary to call the collect method
$result = $manager->collect(UserPrototype::class, new User());
// Entity
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Decorators\Property;
class Order {
public function __construct(
private string $name
) {}
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
class User {
public function getOrders(): array
return [
new Order('Order 1'),
new Order('Order 2'),
new Order('Order 3')
public function getSurname(): string
return 'Bar';
// Prototype
class OrderPrototype {
private ?string $name = null;
class UserPrototype {
#[Property\Getter(['getOrders'])] // Explicitly specify the method to use, since we don't have a getCountOrders or isCountOrders method
private ?int $countOrders = null;
private array $orders = [];
private ?string $surname = null;
$result = $manager->collect(UserPrototype::class, new User());
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Decorators\Property;
class User {
public function __construct(
private string $id,
private string $name
) {}
public function getId(): string
return $this->id;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
$users = [
new User('1', 'User 1'),
new User('2', 'User 2'),
new User('3', 'User 3')
$metadata = [
'success_orders' => [
'1' => 10,
'2' => 20,
'3' => 30
class UserPrototype {
private ?string $id = null;
// As the first argument it is necessary to pass the name of the getter, in our case the unique value of the user is his identifier
// The second argument is to pass the key from where to take values from metadata
#[Property\FromObjectMetadata('getId', 'success_orders')]
private ?int $countSuccessOrders = null;
$result = $manager->collect(UserPrototype::class, $users, metadata: $metadata);
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Decorators\Property;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Decorators\Prototype;
use Codememory\EntityResponseControl\Interfaces\PrototypeExecutionContextInterface;
class User {
public function __construct(
private string $id,
private string $name
) {}
public function getId(): string
return $this->id;
public function getName(): string
return $this->name;
class Service {
public static function getMetadata(PrototypeExecutionContextInterface $executionContext): void
'success_orders' => [
'1' => 10,
'2' => 20,
'3' => 30
$users = [
new User('1', 'User 1'),
new User('2', 'User 2'),
new User('3', 'User 3')
#[Prototype\Callback([Service::class, 'getMetadata'])]
class UserPrototype {
private ?string $id = null;
#[Property\FromObjectMetadata('getId', 'success_orders')]
private ?int $countSuccessOrders = null;
// The result will be the same as in the last example.
$result = $manager->collect(UserPrototype::class, $users);
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