PHP code example of codemasher / fast-route

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codemasher/fast-route library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codemasher / fast-route example snippets

atcher = FastRoute\simpleDispatcher(function(FastRoute\ConfigureRoutes $r) {
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/users', 'get_all_users_handler');
    // {id} must be a number (\d+)
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}', 'get_user_handler');
    // The /{title} suffix is optional
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/articles/{id:\d+}[/{title}]', 'get_article_handler');

// Fetch method and URI from somewhere
$httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];

// Strip query string (?foo=bar) and decode URI
if (false !== $pos = strpos($uri, '?')) {
    $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);
$uri = rawurldecode($uri);

$routeInfo = $dispatcher->dispatch($httpMethod, $uri);
switch ($routeInfo[0]) {
    case FastRoute\Dispatcher::NOT_FOUND:
        // ... 404 Not Found
    case FastRoute\Dispatcher::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
        $allowedMethods = $routeInfo[1];
        // ... 405 Method Not Allowed
    case FastRoute\Dispatcher::FOUND:
        $handler = $routeInfo[1];
        $vars = $routeInfo[2];
        // ... call $handler with $vars

$r->addRoute($method, $routePattern, $handler);

// These two calls
$r->addRoute('GET', '/test', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('POST', '/test', 'handler');
// Are equivalent to this one call
$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/test', 'handler');

// Matches /user/42, but not /user/xyz
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}', 'handler');

// Matches /user/foobar, but not /user/foo/bar
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{name}', 'handler');

// Matches /user/foo/bar as well
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{name:.+}', 'handler');

// This route
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}[/{name}]', 'handler');
// Is equivalent to these two routes
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:\d+}/{name}', 'handler');

// Multiple nested optional parts are possible as well
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user[/{id:\d+}[/{name}]]', 'handler');

// This route is NOT valid, because optional parts can only occur at the end
$r->addRoute('GET', '/user[/{id:\d+}]/{name}', 'handler');

$r->get('/get-route', 'get_handler');
$r->post('/post-route', 'post_handler');

$r->addRoute('GET', '/get-route', 'get_handler');
$r->addRoute('POST', '/post-route', 'post_handler');

$r->addGroup('/admin', function (FastRoute\ConfigureRoutes $r) {
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/do-something', 'handler');
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/do-another-thing', 'handler');
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/do-something-else', 'handler');

$r->addRoute('GET', '/admin/do-something', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/admin/do-another-thing', 'handler');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/admin/do-something-else', 'handler');

$dispatcher = FastRoute\cachedDispatcher(function(FastRoute\ConfigureRoutes $r) {
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{name}/{id:[0-9]+}', 'handler0');
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{id:[0-9]+}', 'handler1');
    $r->addRoute('GET', '/user/{name}', 'handler2');
}, [
    'cacheKey' => __DIR__ . '/route.cache', /* 

namespace FastRoute;

interface RouteParser {
    public function parse($route);

interface DataGenerator {
    public function addRoute($httpMethod, $routeData, $handler);
    public function getData();

interface Dispatcher {
    const NOT_FOUND = 0, FOUND = 1, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 2;

    public function dispatch($httpMethod, $uri);

$dispatcher = FastRoute\simpleDispatcher(function(FastRoute\ConfigureRoutes $r) {
    /* ... */
}, [
    'routeParser' => 'FastRoute\\RouteParser\\Std',
    'dataGenerator' => 'FastRoute\\DataGenerator\\MarkBased',
    'dispatcher' => 'FastRoute\\Dispatcher\\MarkBased',