PHP code example of codek365 / zalo-php-sdk-fix-bugs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codek365/zalo-php-sdk-fix-bugs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codek365 / zalo-php-sdk-fix-bugs example snippets

use Zalo\Zalo;

$config = array(
    'app_id' => '1234567890987654321',
    'app_secret' => 'AbC123456XyZ',
    'callback_url' => ''
$zalo = new Zalo($config);

$helper = $zalo -> getRedirectLoginHelper();
$callbackUrl = "";
$loginUrl = $helper->getLoginUrl($callBackUrl); // This is login url

$callBackUrl = "";
$oauthCode = isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : "THIS NOT CALLBACK PAGE !!!"; // get oauthoauth code from url params
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken($callBackUrl); // get access token
if ($accessToken != null) {
    $expires = $accessToken->getExpiresAt(); // get expires time

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['fields' => 'id,name,birthday,gender,picture'];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_ME, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => 10, 'fields' => "id, name"];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_FRIENDS, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['offset' => 0, 'limit' => 10, 'fields' => "id, name"];
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_INVITABLE_FRIENDS, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_text_here', 'link' => 'put_your_link_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_POST_FEED, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_message_here', 'to' => 'put_user_id_receive_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_APP_REQUESTS, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$accessToken = 'put_your_access_token_here';
$params = ['message' => 'put_your_message_here', 'to' => 'put_user_id_receive_here', 'link' => 'put_your_link_here'];
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_GRAPH_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $params);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$callbackPageUrl = ""
$linkOAGrantPermission2App = $helper->getLoginUrlByPage($callbackPageUrl); // This is url for admin OA grant permission to app

// build data
$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('text');
$msgBuilder->withText('Message Text');

// add buttons (only support 5 buttons - optional)
$actionOpenUrl = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenURL(''); // build action open link
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open Link', $actionOpenUrl);

$actionQueryShow = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryShow('query_show'); // build action query show
$msgBuilder->withButton('Query Show', $actionQueryShow);

$actionQueryHide = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryHide('query_hide'); // build action query hide
$msgBuilder->withButton('Query Hide', $actionQueryHide);

$actionOpenPhone = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenPhone('0919018791'); // build action open phone
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open Phone', $actionOpenPhone);

$actionOpenSMS = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenSMS('0919018791', 'sms text'); // build action open sms
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open SMS', $actionOpenSMS);

$msgText = $msgBuilder->build();
// send request
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgText);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

// build data
$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('media');
$msgBuilder->withText('Message Image');

// add buttons (only support 5 buttons - optional)
$actionOpenUrl = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenURL(''); // build action open link
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open Link', $actionOpenUrl);

$actionQueryShow = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryShow('query_show'); // build action query show
$msgBuilder->withButton('Query Show', $actionQueryShow);

$actionQueryHide = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryHide('query_hide'); // build action query hide
$msgBuilder->withButton('Query Hide', $actionQueryHide);

$actionOpenPhone = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenPhone('0919018791'); // build action open phone
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open Phone', $actionOpenPhone);

$actionOpenSMS = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenSMS('0919018791', 'sms text'); // build action open sms
$msgBuilder->withButton('Open SMS', $actionOpenSMS);

$msgImage = $msgBuilder->build();
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgImage);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('list');

$actionOpenUrl = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenURL('');
$msgBuilder->withElement('Open Link Google', '', 'Search engine', $actionOpenUrl);

$actionQueryShow = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryShow('query_show');
$msgBuilder->withElement('Query Show', '', '', $actionQueryShow);

$actionQueryHide = $msgBuilder->buildActionQueryHide('query_hide');
$msgBuilder->withElement('Query Hide', '', '', $actionQueryHide);

$actionOpenPhone = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenPhone('0919018791');
$msgBuilder->withElement('Open Phone', '', '', $actionOpenPhone);

$actionOpenSMS = $msgBuilder->buildActionOpenSMS('0919018791', 'sms text');
$msgBuilder->withElement('Open SMS', '', '', $actionOpenSMS);

$msgList = $msgBuilder->build();
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgList);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('media');
$msgBuilder->withText('Message Image');
$msgBuilder->withMediaSize(120, 120);
$msgImage = $msgBuilder->build();

$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgImage);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('file');
$msgFile = $msgBuilder->build();
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgFile);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

// build data
$msgBuilder = new MessageBuilder('template');
$msgBuilder->withTemplate('87efbc018044691a3055', []);
$msgInvite = $msgBuilder->build();
// send request
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_SEND_MESSAGE, $accessToken, $msgInvite);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();

$data = array('file' => new ZaloFile($filePath));
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_UPLOAD_PHOTO, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$data = array('file' => new ZaloFile($filePath));
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_UPLOAD_GIF, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$data = array('file' => new ZaloFile($filePath));
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_UPLOAD_FILE, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_GET_LIST_TAG, $accessToken, []);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();

// build data
$data = array('tag_name' => 'vip');
// send request
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REMOVE_TAG, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();

// build data
$data = array(
        'user_id' => '494021888309207992',
        'tag_name' => 'vip'
// send request
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_REMOVE_USER_FROM_TAG, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();

// build data
$data = array(
        'user_id' => '494021888309207992',
        'tag_name' => 'vip'
// send request
$response = $zalo->post(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_TAG_USER, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody();

$data = ['data' => json_encode(array(
            'user_id' => '494021888309207992'
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndpoint::API_OA_GET_USER_PROFILE, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_GET_PROFILE, $accessToken, []);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$data = ['data' => json_encode(array(
                'offset' => 0,
                'count' => 10
$response = $this->zalo->get(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_GET_LIST_FOLLOWER, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$data = ['data' => json_encode(array(
                'offset' => 0,
                'count' => 10
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_GET_LIST_RECENT_CHAT, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result

$data = ['data' => json_encode(array(
                'user_id' => 494021888309207992,
                'offset' => 0,
                'count' => 10
$response = $zalo->get(ZaloEndPoint::API_OA_GET_CONVERSATION, $accessToken, $data);
$result = $response->getDecodedBody(); // result