PHP code example of codebar-ag / laravel-prerender

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download codebar-ag/laravel-prerender library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


codebar-ag / laravel-prerender example snippets

return [

    | Enable Prerender
    | Set this field to false to fully disable the prerender service. You
    | would probably override this in a local configuration, to disable
    | prerender on your local machine.

    'enable' => env('PRERENDER_ENABLE', true),

    | Prerender URL
    | This is the prerender URL to the service that prerenders the pages.
    | By default, Prerender's hosted service on is used
    | ( But you can also set it to your
    | own server address.

    'prerender_url' => env('PRERENDER_URL', ''),

    | Return soft HTTP status codes
    | By default Prerender returns soft HTTP codes. If you would like it to
    | return the real ones in case of Redirection (3xx) or status Not Found (404),
    | set this parameter to false.
    | Keep in mind that returning real HTTP codes nder Blacklist
    | Blacklist paths to exclude. You can use asterix syntax, or regular
    | expressions (without start and end markers). If a blacklist is supplied,
    | all url's will be prerendered except ones containing a blacklist path.
    | By default, a set of asset extentions are',
        'Google Page Speed',

    | Timeout
    | Specifies the Guzzle request timeout in seconds. If the request for a
    | prerendered page takes longer than this, the request will be terminated
    | and the page will be loaded without prerender. A value of 0 means no
    | timeout.
    | See:

    'timeout' => env('PRERENDER_TIMEOUT', 0),

    | Query Parameters
    | By default, request query parameters are not sent to prerender when
    | requesting the prerendered page. Setting this to true will cause the full
    | URL, including query parameters, to be sent to prerender.

    'full_url' => env('PRERENDER_FULL_URL', false),


// prerender.php:
'whitelist' => [
    '/frontend/*' // only prerender pages starting with '/frontend/'

// prerender.php:
'blacklist' => [
    '/api/*' // do not prerender pages starting with '/api/'
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CodebarAg\LaravelPrerender\LaravelPrerenderServiceProvider"