PHP code example of cmfcmf / column-width-calculator

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cmfcmf/column-width-calculator library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cmfcmf / column-width-calculator example snippets

 * @param array $rows An array of rows, where each row is an array of cells containing the cell content.
 * @param bool  $html Whether or not the rows contain html content. This will call html_entity_decode.
 * @param bool  $stripTags Whether or not to strip tags (only if $html is true).
 * @param int   $minPercentage The minimum percentage each row must be wide.
 * @param null  $customColumnFunction A custom function to transform a cell's value before it's length is measured.
$columnWidthCalculator = new Cmfcmf\ColumnWidthCalculator($rows);
 * Calculate the column widths.
 * @return array
 * Explanation of return array:
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['percentage'] The calculated column width in percents.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['calc'] The calculated column width in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['max'] The maximum column width in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['avg'] The average column width in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['raw'] An array of all the column widths of this column in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['stdd'] The calculated standard deviation in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['cv'] The calculated standard deviation / the average column width in letters.
 * - $columnSizes[$colNumber]['stdd/max'] The calculated standard deviation / the maximum column width in letters.
$columnSizes = $columnWidthCalculator->calculateWidths();