1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cmatosbc/desired-patterns library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
cmatosbc / desired-patterns example snippets
use DesiredPatterns\Traits\Singleton;
class Database
use Singleton;
private function __construct()
// Initialize database connection
public function query(string $sql): array
// Execute query
// Usage
$db = Database::getInstance();
use DesiredPatterns\Traits\Multiton;
class Configuration
use Multiton;
private string $environment;
private function __construct(string $environment)
$this->environment = $environment;
public function getEnvironment(): string
return $this->environment;
// Usage
$devConfig = Configuration::getInstance('development');
$prodConfig = Configuration::getInstance('production');
// Check if instance exists
if (Configuration::hasInstance('testing')) {
// ...
use DesiredPatterns\Commands\AbstractCommand;
use DesiredPatterns\Commands\AbstractCommandHandler;
// Command
class CreateUserCommand extends AbstractCommand
public function __construct(
public readonly string $name,
public readonly string $email
) {}
// Handler
class CreateUserHandler extends AbstractCommandHandler
public function handle(CreateUserCommand $command): void
// Create user logic here
public function supports(object $command): bool
return $command instanceof CreateUserCommand;
// Usage
$command = new CreateUserCommand('John Doe', '[email protected]');
$handler = new CreateUserHandler();
use DesiredPatterns\Chain\AbstractHandler;
// Create concrete handlers
class PayPalHandler extends AbstractHandler
public function handle($request)
if ($request['type'] === 'paypal') {
return [
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Payment processed via PayPal'
return parent::handle($request);
class CreditCardHandler extends AbstractHandler
public function handle($request)
if ($request['type'] === 'credit_card') {
return [
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'Payment processed via credit card'
return parent::handle($request);
// Usage
$paypalHandler = new PayPalHandler();
$creditCardHandler = new CreditCardHandler();
// Build the chain
// Process payment
$result = $paypalHandler->handle([
'type' => 'credit_card',
'amount' => 100.00
use DesiredPatterns\Registry\Registry;
// Store a value
Registry::set('config.database', [
'host' => 'localhost',
'name' => 'myapp'
// Retrieve a value
$dbConfig = Registry::get('config.database');
// Check if key exists
if (Registry::has('config.database')) {
// ...
// Remove a key
// Get all keys
$keys = Registry::keys();
use DesiredPatterns\ServiceLocator\ServiceLocator;
class DatabaseService
public function connect(): void
// Connection logic
// Create a service locator
$locator = new ServiceLocator();
// Register a service
$locator->register('database', fn() => new DatabaseService());
// Resolve the service
$db = $locator->resolve('database');
// Check if service exists
if ($locator->has('database')) {
// ...
// Extend an existing service
$locator->extend('database', function($service) {
// Modify or decorate the service
return $service;
use DesiredPatterns\Specifications\AbstractSpecification;
use DesiredPatterns\Specifications\Composite\{AndSpecification, OrSpecification, NotSpecification};
// Create specifications
class AgeSpecification extends AbstractSpecification
public function __construct(private int $minAge) {}
public function isSatisfiedBy(mixed $candidate): bool
return $candidate->age >= $this->minAge;
class VerifiedSpecification extends AbstractSpecification
public function isSatisfiedBy(mixed $candidate): bool
return $candidate->isVerified;
// Usage
$isAdult = new AgeSpecification(18);
$isVerified = new VerifiedSpecification();
// Combine specifications
$canAccessContent = $isAdult->and($isVerified);
// Check if specifications are met
$user = new stdClass();
$user->age = 25;
$user->isVerified = true;
if ($canAccessContent->isSatisfiedBy($user)) {
// Allow access
namespace Examples\Strategy\Payment;
use DesiredPatterns\Strategy\AbstractStrategy;
use DesiredPatterns\Traits\ConfigurableStrategyTrait;
* Credit Card Payment Strategy
class CreditCardStrategy extends AbstractStrategy
use ConfigurableStrategyTrait;
protected array $a['expiry'])
&& isset($data['cvv']);
public function execute(array $data): array
// Process credit card payment
return [
'status' => 'success',
'transaction_id' => uniqid('cc_'),
'method' => 'credit_card',
'amount' => $data['amount']
* PayPal Payment Strategy
class PayPalStrategy extends AbstractStrategy
use ConfigurableStrategyTrait;
protected array $ public function supports(array $data): bool
return isset($data['payment_method'])
&& $data['payment_method'] === 'crypto';
public function validate(array $data): bool
return isset($data['crypto_address'])
&& isset($data['crypto_currency']);
public function execute(array $data): array
// Process crypto payment
return [
'status' => 'success',
'transaction_id' => uniqid('crypto_'),
'method' => 'crypto',
'amount' => $data['amount'],
'currency' => $data['crypto_currency']
// Usage Example
$context = new StrategyContext();
// Configure payment strategies
new CreditCardStrategy(),
['api_key' => 'sk_test_123']
new PayPalStrategy(),
'client_id' => 'client_123',
'client_secret' => 'secret_456'
new CryptoStrategy(),
['wallet_address' => '0x123...']
// Process a credit card payment
$ccPayment = $context->executeStrategy([
'payment_method' => 'credit_card',
'amount' => 99.99,
'card_number' => '4242424242424242',
'expiry' => '12/25',
'cvv' => '123'
// Process a PayPal payment
$ppPayment = $context->executeStrategy([
'payment_method' => 'paypal',
'amount' => 149.99,
'paypal_email' => '[email protected]'
// Process a crypto payment
$cryptoPayment = $context->executeStrategy([
'payment_method' => 'crypto',
'amount' => 199.99,
'crypto_address' => '0x456...',
'crypto_currency' => 'ETH'
use DesiredPatterns\State\StateMachineTrait;
use DesiredPatterns\State\AbstractState;
// Define your states
class PendingState extends AbstractState
public function getName(): string
return 'pending';
protected array $allowedTransitions = ['processing', 'cancelled'];
protected array $validationRules = [
'order_id' => 'ruct(string $orderId)
// Initialize states
$this->addState(new PendingState(), true)
->addState(new ProcessingState())
->addState(new ShippedState());
// Set initial context
'order_id' => $orderId,
'created_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
public function process(array $paymentDetails): array
$this->transitionTo('processing', $paymentDetails);
return $this->getCurrentState()->handle($this->getContext());
// Usage
$order = new Order('ORD-123');
try {
$result = $order->process([
'payment_id' => 'PAY-456',
'amount' => 99.99
echo $result['message']; // "Payment verified, preparing shipment"
} catch (StateException $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage();