PHP code example of clue / stream-filter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clue/stream-filter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clue / stream-filter example snippets


use function Clue\StreamFilter\append;


use Clue\StreamFilter as Filter;


$stream = fopen('demo.txt', 'w+');

$filter = Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
    // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
    return $chunk;

Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, 'strtoupper');

// will write "HELLO" to the underlying stream
fwrite($stream, 'hello');

Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function ($chunk = null) {
    if ($chunk === null) {
        // will be called once ending the filter
        return 'end';
    // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
    return $chunk;


Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
    throw new \RuntimeException('Unexpected chunk');

// raises an E_USER_WARNING with "Error invoking filter: Unexpected chunk"
fwrite($stream, 'hello');

Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
    // will be called each time you write to the stream
    return $chunk;

Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function ($chunk) {
    // will be called each time you read from the stream
    return $chunk;

$filter = Clue\StreamFilter\prepend($stream, function ($chunk) {
    // will be called each time you read or write a $chunk to/from the stream
    return $chunk;

$fun = Clue\StreamFilter\fun('string.rot13');

assert('grfg' === $fun('test'));
assert('test' === $fun($fun('test'));

Clue\StreamFilter\fun('unknown'); // throws RuntimeException

$fun = Clue\StreamFilter\fun('string.strip_tags', '<a><b>');

$ret = $fun('<b>h<br>i</b>');
assert('<b>hi</b>' === $ret);

$fun = Clue\StreamFilter\fun('zlib.deflate');

$ret = $fun('hello') . $fun('world') . $fun();
assert('helloworld' === gzinflate($ret));

$fun = Clue\StreamFilter\fun('string.rot13');

$fun('test'); // throws RuntimeException

$filter = Clue\StreamFilter\append($stream, function () {
    // …