PHP code example of clue / socket-raw

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clue/socket-raw library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clue / socket-raw example snippets

$factory = new \Socket\Raw\Factory();

$socket = $factory->createClient('');
echo 'Connected to ' . $socket->getPeerName() . PHP_EOL;

// send simple HTTP request to remote side
$socket->write("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n\Host:\r\n\r\n");

// receive and dump HTTP response


$factory = new \Socket\Raw\Factory();

// establish a TCP/IP stream connection socket to on port 80
$socket = $factory->createClient('tcp://');

// same as above, as scheme defaults to TCP
$socket = $factory->createClient('');

// same as above, but wait no longer than 2.5s for connection
$socket = $factory->createClient('', 2.5);

// create connectionless UDP/IP datagram socket connected to google's DNS
$socket = $factory->createClient('udp://');

// establish TCP/IPv6 stream connection socket to localhost on port 1337
$socket = $factory->createClient('tcp://[::1]:1337');

// connect to local Unix stream socket path
$socket = $factory->createClient('unix:///tmp/daemon.sock');

// create Unix datagram socket
$socket = $factory->createClient('udg:///tmp/udg.socket');

// create a raw low-level ICMP socket (

// create a TCP/IP stream connection socket server on port 1337
$socket = $factory->createServer('tcp://localhost:1337');

// create a UDP/IPv6 datagram socket server on port 1337
$socket = $factory->createServer('udp://[::1]:1337');

$socket = $factory->createTcp4();
$socket = $factory->createTcp6();

$socket = $factory->createUdp4();
$socket = $factory->createUdp6();

$socket = $factory->createUnix();
$socket = $factory->createUdg();

$socket = $factory->createIcmp4();
$socket = $factory->createIcmp6();

$factory->create($family, $type, $protocol);

$client = $socket->accept();

$data = $socket->read(8192);