PHP code example of clue / redis-react

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clue/redis-react library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clue / redis-react example snippets

s = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost:6379');

$redis->set('greeting', 'Hello world');
$redis->append('greeting', '!');

$redis->get('greeting')->then(function (string $greeting) {
    // Hello world!
    echo $greeting . PHP_EOL;

$redis->incr('invocation')->then(function (int $n) {
    echo 'This is invocation #' . $n . PHP_EOL;

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost:6379');

$redis->set($key, $value);
$redis->expire($key, $seconds);
$redis->mget($key1, $key2, $key3);


$redis->publish($channel, $payload);


// many more…

$redis->get($key)->then(function (?string $value) {
}, function (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

$channel = 'user';
$message = json_encode(['id' => 10]);
$redis->publish($channel, $message);

$channel = 'user';

$redis->on('message', function (string $channel, string $payload) {
    // pubsub message received on given $channel
    var_dump($channel, json_decode($payload));


$pattern = 'user.*';

$redis->on('pmessage', function (string $pattern, string $channel, string $payload) {
    // pubsub message received matching given $pattern
    var_dump($channel, json_decode($payload));


Loop::addTimer(60.0, function () use ($redis) {

$redis->on('subscribe', function (string $channel, int $total) {
    // subscribed to given $channel
$redis->on('psubscribe', function (string $pattern, int $total) {
    // subscribed to matching given $pattern
$redis->on('unsubscribe', function (string $channel, int $total) {
    // unsubscribed from given $channel
$redis->on('punsubscribe', function (string $pattern, int $total) {
    // unsubscribed from matching given $pattern

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost:6379');


// both are equivalent due to defaults being applied
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost');
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://localhost:6379');

// all forms are equivalent
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://:h%40llo@localhost');
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://ignored:h%40llo@localhost');
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://localhost?password=h%40llo');

// both forms are equivalent
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://localhost/2');
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis://localhost?db=2');

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('rediss://');

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis+unix:///tmp/redis.sock');

// the URI MAY contain `password` and `db` query parameters as seen above
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis+unix:///tmp/redis.sock?password=secret&db=2');

// the URI MAY contain authentication details as userinfo as seen above
// should be used with care, also note that database can not be passed as path
$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('redis+unix://:secret@/tmp/redis.sock');

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost?timeout=0.5');

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost?idle=10.0');

$connector = new React\Socket\Connector([
    'dns' => '',
    'tcp' => [
        'bindto' => ''
    'tls' => [
        'verify_peer' => false,
        'verify_peer_name' => false

$redis = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient('localhost', $connector);

$original = new Clue\React\Redis\RedisClient($uri);
$redis = clone $original;

$redis = clone $original;
$redis->set('name', 'Alice');

$redis = clone $redis;
$redis->set('name', 'Alice');

$redis->get($key)->then(function (?string $value) {
}, function (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

$redis->callAsync('GET', 'name')->then(function (?string $name): void {
    echo 'Name: ' . ($name ?? 'Unknown') . PHP_EOL;
}, function (Throwable $e): void {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

$redis->callAsync('SET', 'name', 'Alice', 'EX', 600);

$redis->on('error', function (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

$redis->on('close', function () {
    echo 'Connection closed' . PHP_EOL;