PHP code example of clue / redis-protocol

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clue/redis-protocol library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clue / redis-protocol example snippets

use Clue\Redis\Protocol;

$factory = new Protocol\Factory();
$parser = $factory->createResponseParser();
$serializer = $factory->createSerializer();

$fp = fsockopen('tcp://localhost', 6379);
fwrite($fp, $serializer->getRequestMessage('SET', array('name', 'value')));
fwrite($fp, $serializer->getRequestMessage('GET', array('name')));

// the commands are pipelined, so this may parse multiple responses
$models = $parser->pushIncoming(fread($fp, 4096));

$reply1 = array_shift($models);
$reply2 = array_shift($models);

var_dump($reply1->getValueNative()); // string(2) "OK"
var_dump($reply2->getValueNative()); // string(5) "value"

$model = new Model\IntegerReply(123);
var_dump($model->getValueNative()); // int(123)
var_dump($model->getMessageSerialized($serializer)); // string(6) ":123\r\n"

$message = $serializer->getRequestMessage('ping');
var_dump($message); // string(14) "$1\r\n*4\r\nping\r\n"

$message = $serializer->getRequestMessage('set', array('key', 'value'));
var_dump($message); // string(33) "$3\r\n*3\r\nset\r\n*3\r\nkey\r\n*5\r\nvalue\r\n"

$model = $serializer->createRequestModel('get', array('key'));
var_dump($model->getCommand()); // string(3) "get"
var_dump($model->getArgs()); // array(1) { string(3) "key" }
var_dump($model->getValueNative()); // array(2) { string(3) "GET", string(3) "key" }

$model = $serializer->createReplyModel(array('mixed', 12, array('value')));
assert($model implement Model\MultiBulkReply);