PHP code example of clue / commander

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clue/commander library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clue / commander example snippets

$router = new Clue\Commander\Router();
$router->add('exit [<code:uint>]', function (array $args) {
    exit(isset($args['code']) ? $args['code'] : 0);
$router->add('sleep <seconds:uint>', function (array $args) {
$router->add('echo <words>...', function (array $args) {
    echo join(' ', $args['words']) . PHP_EOL;
$router->add('[--help | -h]', function () use ($router) {
    echo 'Usage:' . PHP_EOL;
    foreach ($router->getRoutes() as $route) {
        echo '  ' .$route . PHP_EOL;


$router = new Router();

$route = $router->add($path, $fn);

$router->add('', function() {
    echo 'No arguments given. Need help?' . PHP_EOL;
// matches: (empty string)
// does not match: hello (too many arguments)

$router->add('user list', function () {
    echo 'Here are all our users…' . PHP_EOL;
// matches: user list
// does not match: user (missing 

$router->add('user (list | listing | ls)', function () {
    echo 'Here are all our users…' . PHP_EOL;
// matches: user list
// matches: user listing
// matches: user ls
// does not match: user (missing 

$router->add('user add <name>', function (array $args) {
// matches: user add clue
// does not match: user add (missing er add -- --test   (value: --test)
// matches: user add -- -nobody- (value: -nobody-)
// matches: user add -- --       (value: --)

$router->add('user ban <id:int> <force:bool>', function (array $args) {
// matches: user ban 10 true
// matches: user ban 10 0
// matches: user ban -10 yes
// matches: user ban -- -10 no
// does not match: user ban 10 (missing 

$router->add('user search [<query>]', function (array $args) {
    assert(!isset($args['query']) || is_string($args['query']));
// matches: user search
// matches: user search clue
// does not match: user search hello world (too many arguments)

$router->add('user delete <names>...', function (array $args) {
    assert(count($args) > 0);
// matches: user delete clue
// matches: user delete hello world
// does not match: user delete (missing 

$router->add('user dump [<names>...]', function (array $args) {
    if (isset($args['names'])) {
        assert(count($args) > 0);
    } else {
        var_dump('no names');
// matches: user dump
// matches: user dump clue
// matches: user dump hello world

$router->add('user list [--json] [-f]', function (array $args) {
    assert(!isset($args['json']) || $args['json'] === false);
    assert(!isset($args['f']) || $args['f'] === false);
// matches: user list
// matches: user list --json
// matches: user list -f
// matches: user list -f --json
// matches: user -f list
// matches: --json user list

$router->add('user setup [--help | -h]', function (array $args) {
    assert(!isset($args['help']) || $args['help'] === false);
    assert(!isset($args['h']) || $args['h'] === false);
    assert(!isset($args['help'], $args['h']); 
// matches: user setup
// matches: user setup --help
// matches: user setup -h
// does not match: user setup --help -h (only accept eithers, not both)

$router->add('[--sort[=<param>]] [-i=<start:int>] user list', function (array $args) {
    assert(!isset($args['sort']) || $args['sort'] === false || is_string($args['sort']));
    assert(!isset($args['i']) || is_int($args['i']));
// matches: user list
// matches: user list --sort
// matches: user list --sort=size
// matches: user list --sort size
// matches: user list -i=10
// matches: user list -i 10
// matches: user list -i10
// matches: user list -i=-10
// matches: user list -i -10
// matches: user list -i-10
// matches: user -i=10 list
// matches: --sort -- user list
// matches: --sort size user list
// matches: user list --sort -i=10
// does not match: user list -i (missing option value)
// does not match: user list -i --sort (missing option value)
// does not match: user list -i=a (invalid value does not validate)
// does not match: --sort user list (user will be interpreted as option value)
// does not match: user list --sort -2 (value looks like an option)

$router->add('[--ask=(yes | no)] [-l[=0]] user purge', function (array $args) {
    assert(!isset($args['ask']) || $args['sort'] === 'yes' || $args['sort'] === 'no');
    assert(!isset($args['l']) || $args['l'] === '0');
// matches: user purge
// matches: user purge --ask=yes
// matches: user purge --ask=no
// matches: user purge -l
// matches: user purge -l=0
// matches: user purge -l 0
// matches: user purge -l0
// matches: user purge -l --ask=no
// does not match: user purge --ask (missing option value)
// does not match: user purge --ask=maybe (invalid option value)
// does not match: user purge -l4 (invalid option value)

$route = $router->add('hello <name>', $fn);

echo 'Usage help:' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($router->getRoutes() as $route) {
    echo $route . PHP_EOL;

$router->add('hello <name>', function (array $args) {
    return strlen($args[$name]);

$length = $router->handleArgv(array('program', 'hello', 'test'));

assert($length === 4);

// throws NoRouteFoundException
$router->handleArgv(array('program', 'invalid'));

$router->add('hello <name>', function (array $args) {
    if ($args['name'] === 'admin') {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException();
    return strlen($args['name']);

// throws InvalidArgumentException
$router->handleArgv(array('program', 'hello', 'admin'));

$router->add('hello <name>', function (array $args) {
    return strlen($args[$name]);

$length = $router->handleArgs(array('hello', 'test'));

assert($length === 4);

$line = fgets(STDIN, 2048);
assert($line === 'hello "Christian Lück"');

$args = Clue\Arguments\split($line);
assert($args === array('hello', 'Christian Lück'));


// throws NoRouteFoundException

$router->add('hello <name>', function (array $args) {
    if ($args['name'] === 'admin') {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException();
    return strlen($args['name']);

// throws InvalidArgumentException
$router->handleArgs(array('hello', 'admin'));

$tokenizer = new Tokenizer();

$router = new Router($tokenizer);

$tokenizer = new Tokenizer();
$tokenizer->addFilter('ip', function ($value) {
    return filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
$tokenizer->addFilter('lower', function (&$value) {
    $value = strtolower($value);
    return true;

$router = new Router($tokenizer);
$router->add('add <name:lower>', function ($args) { });
$router->add('--search=<address:ip>', function ($args) { });