PHP code example of cloudswipe / cloudswipe-wp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cloudswipe/cloudswipe-wp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cloudswipe / cloudswipe-wp example snippets

CloudSwipe_Wp::set_secret_key( "sk_store_12345" );

// bare minimum invoice
$invoice = CloudSwipe_Wp_Invoice::create([
  "description" => "T-Shirt",
  "total" => 1995,
  "currency" => "USD"

// more detailed invoice
$invoice = CloudSwipe_Wp_Invoice::create([
  "total" => 2705,
  "currency" => "USD",
  "customer" => [
    "name" => "Bud Abbott",
    "email" => "[email protected]"
    "billing_address" => [
      "name" => "Bud Abbott",
      "company" => "Laugh Lines",
      "line1" => "123 Anystreet",
      "line2" => "Suite A",
      "city" => "Anytown",
      "state" => "VA",
      "zip" => "12345",
      "country" => "US",
      "phone" => "111-222-3333"
    "shipping_address" => [
      "name" => "Lou Costello",
      "company" => "Laugh Lines",
      "line1" => "456 Otherstreet",
      "line2" => "Suite Z",
      "city" => "Othertown",
      "state" => "VA",
      "zip" => "12345",
      "country" => "US",
      "phone" => "111-222-3333"
    "line_items" => [
      "header" => ["Item", "Description", "Quantity", "Total"],
      "rows" => [
        ["T-Shirt", "Small, Blue", 1, 1095],
        ["Mug", "Branded Coffee Mug", 2, 535]
    "line_totals" => [
      "rows" => [
        ["Discount" => 500],
        ["Tax" => 245],
        ["Shipping" => 795]
    "metadata" => [
      "some-custom-field" => "some-custom-value"

$invoice = CloudSwipe_Wp_Invoice::get_one( "in_12345" );

$invoices = CloudSwipe_Wp_Invoice::get_all();