PHP code example of clicksports / lex-office-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download clicksports/lex-office-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


clicksports / lex-office-api example snippets

// store keys in .env file
$apiKey = getenv('LEXOFFICE_API_KEY'); 

// in this example we are using guzzlehttp/guzzle package, it can be any PSR-18 HTTP Client 
// see:
$httpClient = \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$api = new \Sysix\LexOffice\Api($apiKey, $httpClient);

$apiKey = getenv('LEXOFFICE_API_KEY'); 

$stack = \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack();
$stack->push(new \Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\CacheMiddleware\CacheMiddleware(), 'cache');

$httpClient = \GuzzleHttp\Client(['handler' => $stack]);
$api = new \Sysix\LexOffice\Api($apiKey, $httpClient);

/** @var \Sysix\LexOffice\Api $api */
$client = $api->article();

// filters
$client->size = 100;
$client->sortDirection = 'DESC';

$client->articleNumber = 'LXW-BUHA-2024-001';
$client->gtin = '9783648170632';
$client->type = 'PRODUCT';

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);    

// other methods
$response = $client->get($entityId);
$response = $client->create($data);
$response = $client->update($entityId, $data);
$response = $client->delete($entityId);

$client = $api->contact();

// filters
$client->size = 100;
$client->email = '[email protected]';
$client->name = 'John Doe';
$client->number = 123456;
$client->customer = true;
$client->vendor = false;

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);    

// other methods
$response = $client->get($entityId);
$response = $client->create($data);
$response = $client->update($entityId, $data);

$response = $api->country()->getAll();

$voucherList = $api->creditNote()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->creditNote()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->creditNote()->create($data);
$response = $api->creditNote()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->creditNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->creditNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->creditNote()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$voucherList = $api->deliveryNote()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->create($data);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->deliveryNote()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$voucherList = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->create($data);
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->downPaymentInvoice()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$response = $api->dunning()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->dunning()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->dunning()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$response = $api->event()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->event()->create($data);
$response = $api->event()->delete($entityId);
$response = $api->event()->getAll();

$response = $api->file()->upload($filePath, $voucherType);
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId); // accept every file
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->file()->get($entityId, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)

$voucherList = $api->invoice()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->invoice()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->invoice()->create($data);
$response = $api->invoice()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->invoice()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->invoice()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->invoice()->document($entityId, true, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)

$voucherList = $api->orderConfirmation()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->create($data);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->pursue($precedingSalesVoucherId, $data);
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->orderConfirmation()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$response = $api->payment()->get($entityId);

$response = $api->paymentCondition()->getAll();

$response = $api->postingCategory()->getAll();

$response = $api->printLayout()->getAll();

$response = $api->profile()->get();

$voucherList = $api->quotation()->getVoucherListClient(); // see VoucherlistClient Documentation
$response = $api->quotation()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->quotation()->create($data);
$response = $api->quotation()->create($data, true); // finalized
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->quotation()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images

$client = $api->recurringTemplate();

// filters
$client->size = 100;
$client->sortDirection = 'DESC';
$client->sortColumn = 'updatedDate';

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);

// other methods
$response = $api->recurringTemplate()->get($entityId);

$response = $api->voucher()->get($entityId);
$response = $api->voucher()->create($data);
$response = $api->voucher()->update($entityId, $data);
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId); // get document ID
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true); // get file content
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true, 'image/*'); // accept only images
$response = $api->voucher()->document($entityId, true, 'application/xml'); // get XRechung XML File (if possible)
$response = $api->voucher()->upload($entitiyId, $filepath);

$client = $api->voucherlist();

$client->size = 100;
$client->sortDirection = 'DESC';
$client->sortColumn = 'voucherNumber';

// filters aymentinvoice',
$client->statuses = [
    //'overdue', overdue can only be fetched alone

// filters optional
$client->archived = true;
$client->contactId = 'some-uuid-string';
$client->voucherDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->voucherDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->createdDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');;
$client->createdDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->updatedDateFrom = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');
$client->updatedDateTo = new \DateTime('2023-12-01');

// get a page
$response = $client->getPage(0);

// can be possible null because the response body can be empty
$json = \Sysix\LexOffice\Utils::getJsonFromResponse($response); // as object
$json = \Sysix\LexOffice\Utils::getJsonFromResponse($response, true); // as associative array