PHP code example of cleaniquecoders / nadi-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cleaniquecoders/nadi-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cleaniquecoders / nadi-php example snippets

namespace App\Metric;

use CleaniqueCoders\Nadi\Support\Arr;
use CleaniqueCoders\Nadi\Metric\Base;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;

class Http extends Base
    public function metrics(): array
        $startTime = defined('LARAVEL_START') ? LARAVEL_START : request()->server('REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT');

        return [
            'http.client.duration' => $startTime ? floor((microtime(true) - $startTime) * 1000) : null,
            'http.scheme' => request()->getScheme(),
            'http.route' => request()->getRequestUri(),
            'http.method' => request()->getMethod(),
            'http.status_code' => http_response_code(),
            'http.query' => request()->getQueryString(),
            'http.uri' => str_replace(request()->root(), '', request()->fullUrl()) ?: '/',
            'http.headers' => Arr::undot(collect(request()->headers->all())
                ->map(function ($header) {
                    return $header[0];
                ->reject(function ($header, $key) {
                    return in_array($key, [
                        'authorization', config('nadi.header-key'), 'nadi-key',

use App\Metrics\Http;
use CleaniqueCoders\Nadi\Metric\Metric;

$metric = new Metric();

$metric->add(new Http());


'metrics' => [