PHP code example of cityads / api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cityads/api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cityads / api-client example snippets

adsApiClientFactory = new \CityAds\Api\Factory\ClientFactory;

$clientId = 'client_id';
$clientSecret = 'client_secret';

//создание экземпляра клиента
$cityadsApiClient = $cityadsApiClientFactory->create($clientId, $clientSecret);

//GET-запрос на получение списка сущностей
$getListResponse = $cityadsApiClient->get(
		'sort' => 'id',
		'sort_direction' => 'asc',

//GET-запрос на получение сущности по ее идентификатору
$getItemResponse = $cityadsApiClient->get(
		'sort' => 'id',
		'sort_direction' => 'desc',

//POST-запрос на создание новой сущности
$postResponse = $cityadsApiClient->post(
		'entityName' => [
			'some_field' => 125.56,
			'another_field' => 'value',

//PATCH-запрос на редактирование сущности
$patchResponse = $cityadsApiClient->patch(
		"entityName" => [
			"some_field" => 127,