PHP code example of citco / carbon

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download citco/carbon library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


citco / carbon example snippets


echo "Today is ", (new Carbon)->isBankHoliday() ?: "not bank holiday";

re 'path/to/citco/Carbon.php';

use Citco\Carbon;

echo "Today is ", (new Carbon)->isBankHoliday() ?: "not bank holiday";

// Creates a new instance of the class
$c = new Carbon(); // Today's date
$c = new Carbon('2012-05-21'); // Date as string
$c = Carbon::parse('First day of May 2011');

// Checks if the given date is bank holiday
$boolean = $c->isBankHoliday('2016-05-21');
$boolean = $c->isBankHoliday(Carbon::parse('First day of 2000'));

// Returns array of holidays for the given year
$c->getBankHolidays(array(2010, 2012));

// Returns New Year date of the given year
$c->getNewYearBankHoliday(2012); // 2012-01-02

// Without any parameter will return date for the init year

// Returns next/previous bank holiday

$c->nextBankHoliday(Carbon::parse('Next year May 1st'));
$c->previousBankHoliday(Carbon::parse('Next year May 1st'));

// Returns N next/previous bank holidays
$n = 20;

$c->nextBankHolidays($n, Carbon::parse('Next year May 1st'));
$c->previousBankHolidays($n, Carbon::parse('Next year May 1st'));

// Returns the list of bank holidays between two dates
$start = Carbon::now();
$end = Carbon::now()->subYear(1);
$holidays = $start->bankHolidaysSince($end);