PHP code example of cirrusidentity / simplesamlphp-module-authoauth2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cirrusidentity/simplesamlphp-module-authoauth2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cirrusidentity / simplesamlphp-module-authoauth2 example snippets

       'oauth2' => array(
              // *** Required for all integrations ***
              'urlAuthorize' => '',
              'urlAccessToken' => '',
              'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '',
              // You can add query params directly to urlResourceOwnerDetails or use urlResourceOwnerOptions.
              'urlResourceOwnerOptions' => [
                 'fields' => 'id,name,first_name,last_name,email'
              // allow fields from token response to be query params on resource owner details request
              'tokenFieldsToUserDetailsUrl' => [
                   'fieldName' => 'queryParamName',
                   'access_token' => 'access_token',
                   'user_id' > 'user_id',
              // *** Required for most integrations ***
              // Test App.
              'clientId' => '133972730583345',
              'clientSecret' => '36aefb235314bad5df075363b79cbbcd',
              // *** Optional ***
              // Custom query parameters to add to authorize request
              'urlAuthorizeOptions' => [
                  'prompt' => 'always',
                  // The underlying OAuth2 library also supports overriding requested scopes
                  //'scope' => ['other']
              // Default scopes to request
              'scopes' => ['email', 'profile'],
              'scopeSeparator' => ' ',
              // Customize redirect, if you don't want to use the standard /module.php/authoauth2/linkback.php
              'redirectUri' => '',
              // See League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\GenericProvider for more options
              // Guzzle HTTP config
              // Wait up to 3.4 seconds for Oauth2 servers to respond
              'timeout' => 3.4,
              'proxy' => [
              // All attribute keys will have this prefix
              'attributePrefix' => 'someprefix.',
              // Enable logging of request/response. This *will* leak you client secret and tokens into the logs
              'logHttpTraffic' => true, //default is false
              'logMessageFormat' => 'A Guzzle MessageFormatter format string', // default setting is sufficient for most debugging
              'logIdTokenJson' => true, //default false. Log the json in the ID token.

       'openidconnect' => array(
              // *** Required for all integrations ***
              'issuer' => '', # e.g
              'clientId' => '133972730583345',
              'clientSecret' => '36aefb235314bad5df075363b79cbbcd',

              // Most Optional settings for OAuth2 above can be used
              // *** Optional ***
              // Customize post logout redirect, if you don't want to use the standard /module.php/authoauth2/loggedout.php
              'postLogoutRedirectUri' => ''

              // Set a specific discovery url. Default is $issuer/.well-known/openid-configuration
              'discoveryUrl' => '',
              // Check if the issuer in the ID token matches the one from discovery. Default true. For some multi-tenant
              // applications (for example cross tenant Azure logins) the token issuer varies with tenant
              'validateIssuer' => false,

              // Earlier version OpenIDConnect authsource doesn't support using `scopes` for overriding scope
              //'urlAuthorizeOptions' => [
              //    'scope' => 'openid'

    'providerExample' => array(
        // Must install correct provider with: composer SomeProvider',
        'clientId' => 'my_id',
        'clientSecret' => 'my_secret',

    'google' => array_merge(\SimpleSAML\Module\authoauth2\ConfigTemplate::GoogleOIDC, [
        'clientId' => '',
        'clientSecret' => 'shhh',
        'urlAuthorizeOptions' => [
            'hd' => '',

    'providerExample' => array(
        'template' => 'GoogleOIDC',
        'clientId' => 'my_id',
        'clientSecret' => 'my_secret',

    'templateFacebook' => [
       'template' => 'Facebook',
        'clientId' => '13397273example',
        'clientSecret' => '36aefb235314baexample',
    'genericFacebookTest' => array(
        // *** Facebook endpoints ***
        'urlAuthorize' => '',
        'urlAccessToken' => '',
        // Add requested attributes as fields
        'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => ',name,first_name,last_name,email',
        // *** My application ***
        'clientId' => '13397273example',
        'clientSecret' => '36aefb235314baexample',
        'scopes' => 'email',
        // *** Optional ***
        // Custom query parameters to add to authorize request
        'urlAuthorizeOptions' => [
            // Force use to reauthenticate
            'auth_type' => 'reauthenticate',

    'genericAmazonTest' => array(
        // *** Amazon Endpoints ***
        'urlAuthorize' => '',
        'urlAccessToken' => '',
        'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '',
        // *** My application ***
        'clientId' => 'amzn1.application-oa2-client.94d04152358dexample',
        'clientSecret' => '8681bdd290df87example',
        'scopes' => 'profile',

'genericGoogleTest' => array(
        // *** Google Endpoints ***
        'urlAuthorize' => '',
        'urlAccessToken' => '',
        'urlResourceOwnerDetails' => '',
        // *** My application ***
        'clientId' => '',
        'clientSecret' => 'wV0FdFs_example',
        'scopes' =>  array(
        'scopeSeparator' => ' ',

    'googleProvider' => array(
        // Must install correct provider with: composer \Google',
        'clientId' => 'client_id',
        'clientSecret' => 'secret',

$handler = new \SimpleSAML\Module\authoauth2\OAuth2ResponseHandler();
if ($handler->canHandleResponse()) {
curl -d "code=REPLACE" \
    -d "client_secret=my_secret" \
    -d "client_id=my_client" \
    -d "redirect_uri=" \
    -d 'grant_type=authorization_code' \