PHP code example of circulon / yii2-flag-behavior

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download circulon/yii2-flag-behavior library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


circulon / yii2-flag-behavior example snippets

    use circulon\flag\FlagBehavior;

    // Recommended to use constants for 
    // virtual attribute names
    const SETTINGS_ACTIVE = 'active';
    const SETTINGS_ADMIN = 'admin';
    const SETTINGS_POST_COMMENTS = 'postComments';
    const SETTINGS_VIEW_REPORTS = 'voewReports';
    const SETTINGS_CREATE_REPORTS = 'createReports';
    public function behaviors()
        return [
            'FlagBehavior'=> [
                'class'=> FlagBehavior::className(),
                'fieldattribute' => 'flags', // the db field attribute. Default : 'flags'
                // attributes:  $flag => $position 
                //    $flag : the attribute name  
                //    $position : the bit position (starting at 0)
                'attributes' => [ 
                    $this::SETTINGS_ACTIVE => 0,  // The bit position order once set
                    $this::SETTINGS_ADMIN => 1,   // MUST NOT BE CHANGED 
                    $this::SETTINGS_POST_COMMENTS => 2, // after any records have been inserted
                // options: $flag => $options
                //    $flag : the source attribute  
                //    $options : an array of $operator => $fields
                //      $operator : (set|clear|not)
                //        set: sets the attribute to a given value (true|false|'source')
                //          'source' will set the attribute to the same as the source ttributes value 
                //          if only the attribute name is provided the attribute is set to true
                //        clear: clears the attributes listed
                //        not: sets the value of the attributes to the inverse/complement of the source attribute 
                'options' = [
                  $this::SETTINGS_ADMIN => [ 
                    'set' => [
                      $this::SETTINGS_POST_COMMENTS, // set to true
                      $this::SETTINGS_ACTIVE, // set to true
                  $this::SETTINGS_ACTIVE => [
                    'set' => [ $this::SETTINGS_POST_COMMENTS => 'source' ], // set same as SETTINGS_ACTIVE
                  $this::SETTINGS_CREATE_REPORTS => [
                    'set' => [ $this::SETTINGS_VIEW_REPORTS], 

    // get/set db attribute directly
    $value = $model->fieldAttribute;  // initialy set to 0 
    $model->fieldAttribute = 6; // set flags to admin and post comments (110)

    // change flags
    // NOTE: 
    $model->{<class name>::SETTINGS_ACTIVE} = true; // set flag (now 111)
    $model->active = true; 
    $model->setFlag({<class name>::SETTINGS_ADMIN}, false); // clear flag (now 101)
    $model->setFlag('postComments', false); // clear flag (now 001)
    $model->{<class name>::SETTINGS_ACTIVE} = false; // clear flag (now 000)
    // check if a flag/setting is set
    if ($model->{<class name>::SETTINGS_POST_COMMENTS}) {
        // do something here
    if (!$model->active) {
        // show error message
    if ($model->hasFlag({<class name>::SETTINGS_ADMIN})) {
        // allow admin user to ....

  $model = new MyModelWithFlags()
  $query = MyModelWithFlags::find();
  // add additional criteria as  assumed true
    MyModelWithFlags::SETTING_VIEW_REPORTS => false // optionally set the specific (bool or int 1/0) search value
  // get records
  // DataProvider
  $dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider(['query' => $query]);

  $searchQuery = PrimarySearchModel::find();
  // add criteria....
  $model = new MyModelWithFlags()
  $searchQuery = $model->addFlagsCriteria($searchQuery, [
    MyModelWithFlags::SETTING_ACTIVE,  //  Flags with no value are assumed true
    MyModelWithFlags::SETTING_VIEW_REPORTS => false // optionally set the specific (bool or int 1/0) search value
  ], true); // generate tablename prefixes
  $otherModel = new MyOtherModelWithFlags()
  // add additional criteria as 

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