PHP code example of cinghie / yii2-settings

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cinghie/yii2-settings library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cinghie / yii2-settings example snippets

./yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/pheme/yii2-settings/migrations

'modules' => [
    'settings' => [
        'class' => 'pheme\settings\Module',
        'sourceLanguage' => 'en'

'components' => [
    'settings' => [
        'class' => 'pheme\settings\components\Settings'

$settings = Yii::$app->settings;

$value = $settings->get('section.key');

$value = $settings->get('key', 'section');

$settings->set('section.key', 'value');

$settings->set('section.key', 'value', null, 'string');

$settings->set('key', 'value', 'section', 'integer');

// Automatically called on set();

class Site extends Model {
	public $siteName, $siteDescription;
	public function rules()
		return [
			[['siteName', 'siteDescription'], 'string'],
	public function fields()
	        return ['siteName', 'siteDescription'];
	public function attributes()
	        return ['siteName', 'siteDescription'];

 $form = ActiveForm::begin(['id' => 'site-settings-form']); 

function actions(){
   return [
            'site-settings' => [
                'class' => 'pheme\settings\SettingsAction',
                'modelClass' => 'app\models\Site',
                //'scenario' => 'site',	// Change if you want to re-use the model for multiple setting form.
                'viewName' => 'site-settings'	// The form we need to render

php composer.phar