PHP code example of cimplival / pesapal

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cimplival/pesapal library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cimplival / pesapal example snippets

public function confirmation($trackingid,$status,$payment_method,$merchant_reference)
	$payments = Payments::where('tracking',$trackingid)->first();
    $payments -> payment_status = $status;
    $payments -> payment_method = $payment_method;
    $payments -> save();

use Pesapal;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use App\Payment;

class PaymentsController extends Controller
    public function payment(){//initiates payment
        $payments = new Payment;
        $payments -> businessid = Auth::guard('business')->id(); //Business ID
        $payments -> transactionid = Pesapal::random_reference();
        $payments -> status = 'NEW'; //if user gets to iframe then exits, i prefer to have that as a new/lost transaction, not pending
        $payments -> amount = 10;
        $payments -> save();

        $details = array(
            'amount' => $payments -> amount,
            'description' => 'Test Transaction',
            'type' => 'MERCHANT',
            'first_name' => 'Fname',
            'last_name' => 'Lname',
            'email' => '[email protected]',
            'phonenumber' => '254-723232323',
            'reference' => $payments -> transactionid,
            //'currency' => 'USD'

        return view('', compact('iframe'));
    public function paymentsuccess(Request $request)//just tells you payment has gone through..but not confirmed
        $trackingid = $request->input('tracking_id');
        $ref = $request->input('merchant_reference');

        $payments = Payment::where('transactionid',$ref)->first();
        $payments -> trackingid = $trackingid;
        $payments -> status = 'PENDING';
        $payments -> save();
        //go back home
        return view('', compact('payments'));
    //This method just tells u that there is a change in pesapal for your transaction..
    //u need to now query status..retrieve the change...CANCELLED? CONFIRMED?
    public function paymentconfirmation(Request $request)
        $trackingid = $request->input('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id');
        $merchant_reference = $request->input('pesapal_merchant_reference');
        $pesapal_notification_type= $request->input('pesapal_notification_type');

        //use the above to retrieve payment status now..
    //Confirm status of transaction and update the DB
    public function checkpaymentstatus($trackingid,$merchant_reference,$pesapal_notification_type){
        $payments = Payment::where('trackingid',$trackingid)->first();
        $payments -> status = $status;
        $payments -> payment_method = "PESAPAL";//use the actual method though...
        $payments -> save();
        return "success";

Route::group(['prefix' => '/webhooks'], function () {
    Route::get('donepayment', ['as' => 'paymentsuccess', 'uses'=>'PaymentsController@paymentsuccess']);
    Route::get('paymentconfirmation', 'PaymentsController@paymentconfirmation');