PHP code example of chubbyphp / chubbyphp-parsing

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chubbyphp/chubbyphp-parsing library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chubbyphp / chubbyphp-parsing example snippets

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Schema\SchemaInterface;

/** @var SchemaInterface $schema */
$schema = ...;

$schema->preParse(static fn ($input) => $input);
$schema->postParse(static fn (string $output) => $output);
$schema->catch(static fn (string $output, ParserErrorException $e) => $output);

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->array($p->int());

$data = $schema->parse([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

// validations
$schema->reduce(static fn (int $sum, int $current) => $sum + $current, 0);

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

enum BackedSuit: string
    case Hearts = 'H';
    case Diamonds = 'D';
    case Clubs = 'C';
    case Spades = 'S';

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->backedEnum(BackedSuit::class);

$data = $schema->parse('D');

// validations

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->bool();

$data = $schema->parse(true);

// validations

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->dateTime();

$data = $schema->parse(new \DateTimeImmutable('2024-01-20T09:15:00+00:00'));

// validations
$schema->from(new \DateTimeImmutable('2024-01-20T09:15:00+00:00'));
$schema->to(new \DateTimeImmutable('2024-01-20T09:15:00+00:00'));

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->discriminatedUnion([
    $p->object(['_type' => $p->literal('email'), 'address' => $p->string()]),
    $p->object(['_type' => $p->literal('phone'), 'number' => $p->string()]),

$data = $schema->parse(['_type' => 'phone', 'number' => '+41790000000']);

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->float();

$data = $schema->parse(4.2);

// validations

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->int();

$data = $schema->parse(1337);

// validations

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->lazy(static function () use ($p, &$schema) {
    return $p->object([
        'name' => $p->string(),
        'child' => $schema,

$data = $schema->parse([
    'name' => 'name1',
    'child' => [
        'name' => 'name2',
        'child' => null

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->literal('email'); // supports string|float|int|bool

$data = $schema->parse('email');

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->object(['name' => $p->string()]);

// stdClass object
$data = $schema->parse(['name' => 'example']);

// SampleClass object
$data = $schema->parse(['name' => 'example'], SampleNamespace\SampleClass::class);

// validations

// transformations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->record($p->string());

$data = $schema->parse([
    'key1' => 'value1',
    'key2' => 'value2'

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;
use Respect\Validation\Validator as v;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->respectValidation(v::numericVal()->positive()->between(1, 255));

$data = $schema->parse(5);

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->string();

$data = $schema->parse('example');

// validations

// conversions

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->tuple([$p->float(), $p->float()]);

$data = $schema->parse([47.1, 8.2]);

use Chubbyphp\Parsing\Parser;

$p = new Parser();

$schema = $p->union([$p->string(), $p->int()]);

$data = $schema->parse('42');