PHP code example of chroma-x / string-builder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chroma-x/string-builder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chroma-x / string-builder example snippets

use ChromaX\StringBuilder\StringBuilder;

$builder = new StringBuilder('rolod muspi meroL');
	->append(' sit amet, consetetur')
	->insert(1, 'qäs')
	->replace(6, 2, 'wertz')
	->setCharAt(4, '2')
	->delete(0, 2)

$result = $builder->build();
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 1. Built string                                          ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->buildSubstring(5, 2);
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 2. Built substring                                       ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->buildSubstring(5);
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 3. Built substring                                       ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->charAt(5);
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 4. Character at position 5                               ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->firstChar();
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 5. First character                                       ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->lastChar();
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 6. Last character                                        ' . $result . PHP_EOL);
$result = $builder->length();
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 7. String length                                         ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->size();
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 8. Number of bytes                                       ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->indexOf('e');
fwrite(STDOUT, ' 9. First occurence of "e"                                ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->indexOf('e', 5);
fwrite(STDOUT, '10. First occurence of "e" after position 5               ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->lastIndexOf('e');
fwrite(STDOUT, '11. Last occurence of "e"                                 ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->lastIndexOf('e', 5);
fwrite(STDOUT, '12. Last occurence of "e" before the 5th last character   ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

$result = $builder->contains('ipsum');
fwrite(STDOUT, '13. Whether the string contains "ipsum"                   ' . $result . PHP_EOL);
use ChromaX\StringBuilder\StringBuilder;

try {
	$builder = new StringBuilder();

	$result = $builder->indexOf('a');
	fwrite(STDOUT, '1. Result                 ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

	$result = $builder->lastIndexOf('a');
	fwrite(STDOUT, '2. Result                 ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

	$result = $builder->charAt(10);
	fwrite(STDOUT, '3. Result                 ' . $result . PHP_EOL);

} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
	fwrite(STDERR, 'Exception with message    ' . $exception->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);