PHP code example of christiaan / zohocrmclient

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download christiaan/zohocrmclient library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


christiaan / zohocrmclient example snippets

use Christiaan\ZohoCRMClient\ZohoCRMClient;

$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Leads', 'yourAuthKey');

$records = $client->getRecords()
    ->selectColumns('First Name', 'Last Name', 'Email')
    ->sortBy('Last Name')->sortAsc()
    ->since(date_create('last week'))

echo 'Content: ' . print_r($records, true) . PHP_EOL;


$buzzTransport = new BuzzTransport(
    new \Buzz\Browser(new \Buzz\Client\Curl()),

$transport = new XmlDataTransportDecorator(
    new AuthenticationTokenTransportDecorator(

$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Leads', $transport);

use Christiaan\ZohoCRMClient\ZohoCRMClient;

$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Contacts', 'yourAuthKey');

$records = $client
                'Email' => '[email protected]',
                'First Name' => 'John'

use Christiaan\ZohoCRMClient\ZohoCRMClient;

$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Contacts', 'yourAuthKey');

$records = $client
                'Id' => '(ID returned from insert, search, ...)'
                'Last Name' => 'Smith'

use Christiaan\ZohoCRMClient\ZohoCRMClient;

$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Contacts', 'yourAuthKey');

$records = $client
            ->criteria('Email:[email protected]')
$client = new ZohoCRMClient('Leads', 'yourAuthKey', 'eu');