PHP code example of chriskonnertz / string-calc

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chriskonnertz/string-calc library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chriskonnertz / string-calc example snippets

$stringCalc = new ChrisKonnertz\StringCalc\StringCalc();

$term = '1+2';

$result = $stringCalc->calculate($term); // $result will contain 3

try {
    $result = $stringCalc->calculate('min()');
} catch (Exceptions\StringCalcException $exception) {
    ... // Handle exception
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    ... // Handle exception. 

$term = '1+(2+max(-3,3))';

$tokens = $stringCalc->tokenize($term);

foreach ($tokens as $token) {
    echo ' '.$token.' ';

$term = '1+(2+max(-3,3))';

$tokens = $stringCalc->tokenize($term);

$rootNode = $stringCalc->parse($tokens);

$rootNode->traverse(function($node, $level)
    echo str_repeat('__', $level).' ['.get_class($node).']<br>';

class ExampleClassOne extends AbstractConstant
    protected $identifiers = ['exampleConst'];

    protected $value = 123;

// The AbstractSymbol class has this dependency:
$stringHelper = $container->get('stringcalc_stringhelper'); 
$symbol = new ExampleClassOne($stringHelper);
$replaceSymbol = ExampleClassTwo::class;

$stringCalc->addSymbol($symbol, $replaceSymbol);

if (sizeof($arguments) < 1) {
    throw new NumberOfArgumentsException('Error: Expected at least one argument, none given.');

3+1,2     // Usage out of scope / missusage as decimal mark
max(1,,3) // Missing calculable expression between separators