PHP code example of chriskonnertz / deeply

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chriskonnertz/deeply library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chriskonnertz / deeply example snippets

$deepLy = new ChrisKonnertz\DeepLy\DeepLy('your-api-key');

$translatedText = $deepLy->translate('Hello world!', 'DE');
echo $translatedText; // Prints "Hallo Welt!"

$deepLy = new ChrisKonnertz\DeepLy\DeepLy('your-api-key');

try {
    $translatedText = $deepLy->translate('Hello world!', DeepLy::LANG_EN, DeepLy::LANG_AUTO);
    echo $translatedText; // Prints "Hallo Welt!"
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
    echo $exception->getMessage();

$languageCode = $deepLy->detectLanguage('Hello world!');

$glossaries = $deepLy->getGlossaries();
print_r($glossaries); // Prints an array with Glossary objects

$glossary = $deepLy->getGlossary('your-glossary-id');
print_r($glossary); // Prints a \stdClass

$entries = $deepLy->getGlossaryEntries('your-glossary-id');
print_r($entries);  // Prints an array with string items

$glossary = $deepLy->createGlossary('test', 'de', 'en', ['Example DE' => 'Example EN']);


$filename = __DIR__.'/test_document_original.pdf';
$result = $deepLy->uploadDocument($filename, 'DE');


$result = $deepLy->getDocumentState($result->documentId, $result->documentKey);


$deepLy->downloadDocument($documentId, $documentKey, 'test_document_translated.pdf');

$contents = $deepLy->downloadDocument($documentId, $documentKey);

$usage = $deepLy->usage(); // Returns an object of type "Usage"

echo $usage->characterCount.'/'.$usage->characterLimit
    . ' characters ('.round($usage->characterQuota * 100).'%)';

ChrisKonnertz\DeepLy\Models\DocumentHandle Object
  [documentId] => D014F316B7A173079074BE76F530F846
  [documentKey] => 39FF8B10D20621096F23BF96CC103E12074727007C62963CF49AE8A9965D7695