PHP code example of chomyeong / errorcode

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chomyeong/errorcode library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chomyeong / errorcode example snippets

$ret = [

echo json_encode($ret);
$ret = [

echo json_encode($ret);
$ret = [

echo json_encode($ret);

return [
    ['errDefine' => 'ERROR_SHOP_NAME', 'index' => 1000, 'errMsg' => '商城名称错误'],
    ['errDefine' => 'ERROR_SHOP_NAME1','errMsg' => '商城名称错误1'],
    ['errDefine' => 'ERROR_ORDER_ERROR', 'index' => 2000, 'errMsg' => '商城登录错误'],

return [
    ['errDefine' => 'ERROR_SHOP_NAME', 'index' => 1000, 'errMsg' => '商城名称错误'],
    ['errDefine' => 'ERROR_SHOP_LOGIN', 'index' => 2000, 'errMsg' => '商城登录错误'],

use chomyeong\errorcode\Error;
$err = new Error();


// 要返回的数据
$data = [
    'info' => [
        'id'   => 1,
        'username' => 'chomyeong',

$options = [
$err = new Error($options);

$options = [
$err = new Error($options);