PHP code example of choate / matex

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download choate/matex library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


choate / matex example snippets

$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
echo $evaluator->execute('1 + 2');

$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
echo $evaluator->execute('"String" + " " + "concatenation"');

$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
$evaluator->variables = [
	'a' => 1,
	'b' => 2
echo $evaluator->execute('a + b');

public function doVariable($name, &$value) {
	switch ($name) {
		case 'b':
			$value = 2;

$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
$evaluator->variables = [
	'a' => 1
$evaluator->onVariable = [$this, 'doVariable'];
echo $evaluator->execute('a + b');

static function sum($arguments) {
	$result = 0;
	foreach ($arguments as $argument)
		$result += $argument;
	return $result;

$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
$evaluator->functions = [
	'sum' => ['ref' => '\\Space\\Class::sum', 'arc' => null]
echo $evaluator->execute('sum(1, 2, 3)');

Dynamic variable resolver
Invoked when the variable is not found in the cache
Returns the value by name
public function doVariable($name, &$value) {
	switch ($name) {
		case 'zen':
			// Here may be a database request, or a function call
			$value = 999;
		case 'hit':
			$value = 666;

Dynamic function resolver
Invoked when the function is not found in the cache
Returns an associative array array with:
	ref - Function reference
	arc - Expected argument count
public function doFunction($name, &$value) {
	switch ($name) {
		case 'cos':
			// Map to a system function
			$value = ['ref' => 'cos', 'arc' => 1];
		case 'minadd':
			// Map to a public object instance function
			$value = ['ref' => [$this, 'minAdd'], 'arc' => 2];

Custom functions, may be a
	- Built-in function
	- Global defined function
	- Static class function
	- Object instance function
static function sum($arguments) {
	$result = 0;
	foreach ($arguments as $argument)
		$result += $argument;
	return $result;
// Just a sample custom function
function minAdd($a, $b) {
	$r = $a < 2 ? 2 : $a;
	return $r + $b;

// Let's do some calculations
$evaluator = new \choate\matex\Evaluator();
$evaluator->variables = [
	'a' => 1,
	'bet' => -10.59,
	'pi' => 3.141592653589
$evaluator->onVariable = [$this, 'doVariable'];
$evaluator->functions = [
	'sin' => ['ref' => 'sin', 'arc' => 1],
	'max' => ['ref' => 'max', 'arc' => null],
	'sum' => ['ref' => '\\Space\\Class::sum', 'arc' => null]
$evaluator->onFunction = [$this, 'doFunction'];
echo $evaluator->execute('a + MinAdd(PI * sin(zen), cos(-1.7 / pi)) / bet ^ ((A + 2) * 2) + sum(5, 4, max(6, hit))');