PHP code example of chillerlan / php-settings-container

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chillerlan/php-settings-container library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chillerlan / php-settings-container example snippets

class MyContainer extends SettingsContainerAbstract{
	protected string $foo;
	protected string $bar;

// use it just like a \stdClass (except the properties are fixed)
$container = new MyContainer;
$container->foo = 'what';
$container->bar = 'foo';

// which is equivalent to
$container = new MyContainer(['bar' => 'foo', 'foo' => 'what']);
// ...or try
$container->fromJSON('{"foo": "what", "bar": "foo"}');

// fetch all properties as array
$container->toArray(); // -> ['foo' => 'what', 'bar' => 'foo']
// or JSON
$container->toJSON(); // -> {"foo": "what", "bar": "foo"}
// JSON via JsonSerializable
$json = json_encode($container); // -> {"foo": "what", "bar": "foo"}

//non-existing properties will be ignored:
$container->nope = 'what';

var_dump($container->nope); // -> null

// from library 1
trait SomeOptions{
	protected string $foo;
	protected string $what;

	// this method will be called in SettingsContainerAbstract::construct()
	// after the properties have been set
	protected function SomeOptions():void{
		// just some constructor stuff...
		$this->foo = strtoupper($this->foo);

	 * special prefixed magic setters & getters

	// this method will be called from __set() when property $what is set
	protected function set_what(string $value):void{
		$this->what = md5($value);

	// this method is called on __get() for the property $what
	protected function get_what():string{
		return 'hash: '.$this->what;

// from library 2
trait MoreOptions{
	protected string $bar = 'whatever'; // provide default values

$commonOptions = [
	// SomeOptions
	'foo' => 'whatever',
	// MoreOptions
	'bar' => 'nothing',

// now plug the several library options together to a single object
$container = new class ($commonOptions) extends SettingsContainerAbstract{
	use SomeOptions, MoreOptions;

var_dump($container->foo); // -> WHATEVER (constructor ran strtoupper on the value)
var_dump($container->bar); // -> nothing

$container->what = 'some value';
var_dump($container->what); // -> hash: 5946210c9e93ae37891dfe96c3e39614 (custom getter added "hash: ")
	": "^8.1",
		"chillerlan/php-settings-container": "dev-main"