PHP code example of chillerlan / php-httpinterface

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chillerlan/php-httpinterface library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chillerlan / php-httpinterface example snippets

$options                 = new HTTPOptions;
$options->ca_info        = '/path/to/cacert.pem';
$options->user_agent     = 'my cool user agent 1.0';
$options->dns_over_https = '';

$httpClient = new CurlClient($responseFactory, $options, $logger);
$request    = $requestFactory->createRequest('GET', '');


$handler = new class () implements MultiResponseHandlerInterface{

	public function handleResponse(
		ResponseInterface $response,  // the incoming response
		RequestInterface  $request,   // the corresponding request
		int               $id,        // the request id
		array|null        $curl_info, // the curl_getinfo() result for this request
		if($response->getStatusCode() !== 200){
			// return the failed request back to the stack
			return $request;
			$body = $response->getBody();
			// the response body is empty for some reason, we pretend that's fine and exit
			if($body->getSize() === 0){
				return null;
			// parse the response body, store the result etc.
			$data = $body->getContents();
			// save data to file, database or whatever...
			// ...
			// something went wrong, return the request to the stack for another try
			return $request;
		// everything ok, nothing to return
		return null;


$options              = new HTTPOptions;
$options->ca_info     = '/path/to/cacert.pem';
$options->user_agent  = 'my cool user agent 1.0';
$options->sleep       = 750000; // microseconds, see usleep()
$options->window_size = 5;
$options->retries     = 1;

$multiClient = new CurlMultiClient($handler, $responseFactory, $options, $logger);

// create and add the requests
foreach(['..', '...', '....'] as $item){
	$multiClient->addRequest($factory->createRequest('GET', $endpoint.'/'.$item));

// process the queue

$options                 = new HTTPOptions;
$options->user_agent     = 'my cool user agent 1.0';
$options->ssl_verifypeer = false;
$options->curl_options   = [

$httpClient   = new CurlClient($responseFactory, $options, $logger);
$urlExtractor = new URLExtractor($httpClient, $responseFactory);

$request = $factory->createRequest('GET', '');

$urlExtractor->sendRequest($request); // -> response from the final location

// you can retrieve an array with all followed locations afterwards
$responses = $this->http->getResponses(); // -> ResponseInterface[]

// if you just want the URL of the final location, you can use the extract method: 
$url = $this->http->extract(''); // ->

$loggingClient = new LoggingClient($httpClient, $logger);

$loggingClient->sendRequest($request); // -> log to output given via logger

	": "^8.1",
		"chillerlan/php-httpinterface": "dev-main#<commit_hash>"