PHP code example of cheprasov / php-parallel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cheprasov/php-parallel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cheprasov / php-parallel example snippets

use Parallel\Storage\ApcuStorage;

// EXAMPLE, how to run parallel 3 operations.

// Using Parallel via ApcuStorage (APCu, see
$Parallel = new Parallel(new ApcuStorage());

// if you have not APCu, you can use Memcached or Redis as Storage.
// Note: you can't store objects in Memcached or Redis and you can't store binary strings (use <base64> functions)

//    $Parallel = new Parallel(new \Parallel\Storage\MemcachedStorage([
//        'servers' => [['', 11211]]
//    ]));

//    $Parallel = new Parallel(new \Parallel\Storage\RedisStorage([
//        'server' => 'tcp://'
//    ]));

$time = microtime(true);

// 1st operation
$Parallel->run('foo', function() {
    // You can use Parallel inside run function by creating new objects Parallel.
    // Example: $Parallel = new Parallel(new \Parallel\Storage\ApcuStorage());
    return ['hello' => 'world'];

// 2nd operation
$Parallel->run('obj', function() {
    return (object) ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 3];

// 3th operation
// do some thing ...

// waiting for <foo> and <obj> and get results.
// use wait() without parameters for wait all forks. Example: $Parallel->wait();
$result = $Parallel->wait(['foo', 'obj']);

print_r(microtime(true) - $time);
// 3 parallel operations by 2 seconds take about 2 seconds, instead 6 seconds.

//    Array
//    (
//        [foo] => Array
//            (
//                [hello] => world
//            )
//        [obj] => stdClass Object
//            (
//                [a] => 1
//                [b] => 2
//                [c] => 3
//            )
//    )
//    2.0130307674408