PHP code example of chen-see / chen-pay

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chen-see/chen-pay library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chen-see / chen-pay example snippets

$aliCookie = '';
$wxCookie = '';

$GLOBALS['aliSum'] = 1;
ChenPay\Pay::Listen(10, function () use ($aliCookie) {
    // time 现在时间此为订单生成时间 默认3分钟有效时间
    $data = [['fee' => 0.01, 'time' => time() + 3 * 60]];
    try {
        $run = (new ChenPay\AliPay($aliCookie))->getData()->DataHandle();
        foreach ($data as $item) {
            $remarks = '123456'; //如果需要判断备注
            $order = $run->DataContrast($item['fee'], $item['time'], 5, $remarks);
            if ($order) echo "{$order}订单有效!备注:{$remarks}\n";
            unset($order, $item);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出
        echo $GLOBALS['aliSum'] . "次运行\n";
    } catch (\ChenPay\PayException\PayException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
        unset($e);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出
    unset($run, $data);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出

$GLOBALS['wxSum'] = 1;
$GLOBALS['syncKey'] = false;
ChenPay\Pay::Listen(10, function () use ($wxCookie) {
    // time 现在时间此为订单生成时间 默认3分钟有效时间
    $data = [['fee' => 0.01, 'time' => time() + 3 * 60]];
    try {
        $run = (new ChenPay\WxPay($wxCookie))->getData('', $GLOBALS['syncKey'])->DataHandle();
        $GLOBALS['syncKey'] = $run->syncKey;
        foreach ($data as $item) {
            $remarks = '123456'; //如果需要判断备注
            $order = $run->DataContrast($item['fee'], $item['time'], 3, $remarks);
            if ($order) echo "{$order}订单有效!备注:{$remarks}\n";
            unset($order, $item);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出
        echo $GLOBALS['wxSum'] . "次运行\n";
    } catch (\ChenPay\PayException\PayException $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";
        unset($e);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出
    unset($run, $data);// 摧毁变量防止内存溢出

# 前台运行
php test/test.php
# 后台运行
nohup php test/test.php &