PHP code example of chaplean / rest-client-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download chaplean/rest-client-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


chaplean / rest-client-bundle example snippets

new EightPoints\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\EightPointsGuzzleBundle(),
new Chaplean\Bundle\RestClientBundle\ChapleanRestClientBundle(),

// If you want to enable Database logging
new Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineBundle\DoctrineBundle(),

// If you want to enable Email logging
new Symfony\Bundle\SwiftmailerBundle\SwiftmailerBundle(),
new Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\TwigBundle()

use Chaplean\Bundle\RestClientBundle\Api\AbstractApi;
use Chaplean\Bundle\RestClientBundle\Api\Parameter;
use GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface;

class FakeApi extends AbstractApi
    protected $url;

     * AbstractApi      */
    public function buildApi()
            ->urlPrefix($this->url) // here we set base url

        $this->get('fake_get', 'fake')
                'id' => Parameter::id(),

public function buildApi()
     * You have to call this function first to set basic config
        ->urlPrefix('http://some.url/')  // set the base url of our api

     * We can then set some configurations that will be the default for every route we create later.
     * You have the exact same api available here and available when configuring routes.
     * See route definition for detailed descriptions of headers(), urlParameters(), queryParameters() and requestParameters()
        ->expectsPlain()                 // Declare we expect responses to be plain text
        ->expectsJson()                  // Declare we expect responses to be json
        ->expectsXml()                   // Declare we expect responses to be xml

        ->sendFormUrlEncoded()           // Configure that we post our data as classic form url encoded  (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendJson()                     // Configure that we post our data as json (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendXml()                      // Configure that we post our data as xml (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendJSONString()               // Configure that we post our data as a url-encoded key-value pair where the key is JSONString and the value is the request data in json format (only apply to post, put and patch requests)

        ->headers([])                    // Configure what headers we send
        ->urlParameters([])              // Configure what url placeholders we define
        ->queryParameters([])            // Configure what query strings we send
        ->requestParameters([]);         // Configure what post data we send (only apply to post, put and patch requests)

     * Here we define the core of our api, the routes. We can use get(), post(), put(), patch(), delete() functions
     * with a route name and a route url (with placeholders in you want) to define routes.
    $this->get('query_one', 'data/{id}');
    $this->post('create_one', 'data');
    $this->patch('update_one', 'data/{id}');
    $this->put('update_one', 'data/{id}');
    $this->delete('delete_one', 'data/{id}');

     * Those function return the route object to further configure it.
     * As said previously the route api is the same as the one we get with globalParameters().
    $this->post('create_one', 'data/{id}')
        ->expectsPlain()                 // Declare we expect responses to be plain text
        ->expectsJson()                  // Declare we expect responses to be json
        ->expectsXml()                   // Declare we expect responses to be xml

        ->sendFormUrlEncoded()           // Configure that we post our data as classic form url encoded  (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendJson()                     // Configure that we post our data as json (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendXml()                      // Configure that we post our data as xml (only apply to post, put and patch requests)
        ->sendJSONString()               // Configure that we post our data as a url-encoded key-value pair where the key is JSONString and the value is the request data in json format (only apply to post, put and patch requests)

        ->headers([])                    // Configure what headers we send
        ->urlParameters([])              // Configure what url placeholders we define
        ->queryParameters([])            // Configure what query strings we send
        ->requestParameters([]);         // Configure what post data we send (only apply to post, put and patch requests)

     * Finally calling headers(), urlParameters(), queryParameters() or requestParameters() without configuring parameters is sort of useless.
     * So let's see how to define parameters.
    $this->put('update_data', 'data/{id}')
        ->urlParameters(                 // Define the placeholder parameter for the {id} in the url
                'id' => Parameter::id(),
     * We define a list of key => values pairs where key is the name of the parameter and the value is a parameter type.
     * We can also configure the parameters type. They all support at least optional(), defaultValue().
                'name'     => Parameter::string(),
                'birthday' => Parameter::dateTime('Y-m-d'),
                'is_human' => Parameter::bool()->defaultValue(true),
                'height'   => Parameter::int(),
                'weight'   => Parameter::float()->optional(),
                'tags'     => Parameter::object(
                        'id'   => Parameter::id(),
                        'name' => Parameter::string(),
                'friends'  => Parameter::arrayList(Parameter::id()),