PHP code example of cfxmarkets / php-persistence

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cfxmarkets/php-persistence library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cfxmarkets / php-persistence example snippets

$brokerage = new \CFX\Brokerage\DataContext($pdos);

$user = $brokerage->users->get("id=$_SESSION[userId]");

$orders = $user->getOrders();

$outstandingOrders = $cfx->orders->newCollection();
foreach($orders as $order) {
    if (!$order->isComplete()) {
        $outstandingOrders[] = $order;

echo json_encode(['data' => $outstandingOrders ]);

$brokerage = new \CFX\Brokerage\DataContext($pdos);

// Remember, query strings are parsed by default by the `GenericDSLQuery` class, so you can make sure to properly sanitize values
// in that class and derivatives
$user = $brokerage->users->get("id=$_SESSION[userId]");

// AbstractDatasource first checks for input errors, then checks for uniqueness before proceeding to save, so if there are
// problems, this will throw exceptions, which we can catch at an application level

// Now we're getting related data. The `getOrders` method will call up to the Datasource to get all related orders, and the
// Datasource will delegate this to its DataContext. This call is equivalent to saying, `$orders = $brokerage->orders->get("userId={$user->getId()}")`
$orders = $user->getOrders();

// We use the orders datasource to instantiate a new orders collection (usually just a generic \CFX\JsonApi\ResourceCollection, but overridable per datasource)
$outstandingOrders = $cfx->orders->newCollection();
foreach($orders as $order) {
    if (!$order->isComplete()) {
        $outstandingOrders[] = $order;

// Finally, we output using json_encode, which automatically serializes each order object to JSON API format
echo json_encode(['data' => $outstandingOrders ]);