PHP code example of cesargb / laravel-magiclink

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cesargb/laravel-magiclink library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cesargb / laravel-magiclink example snippets

use MagicLink\Actions\LoginAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

$urlToAutoLogin =  MagicLink::create(new LoginAction($user))->url

use MagicLink\Actions\LoginAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

// Sample 1; Login and redirect to dash board
$action = new LoginAction(User::first());

$urlToDashBoard = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

// Sample 2; Login and view forms to password reset and use guard web
$action = new LoginAction(User::first());
$action->response(view('password.reset', ['email' => 'user@example.tld']));

$urlShowView = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

// Sample 3; Login in other guard and redirect default
$action = new LoginAction(User::first());

$urlShowView = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

// Sample 4; Login and remember me
$action = new LoginAction(User::first());

$urlShowView = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

use MagicLink\Actions\DownloadFileAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

// Url to download the file storage_app('private_document.pdf')
$url = MagicLink::create(new DownloadFileAction('private_document.pdf'))->url;

// Download file with other file_name
$action = new DownloadFileAction('private_document.pdf', 'your_document.pdf');
$url = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

// Download file from other disk
$action = new DownloadFileAction('private_document.pdf')->disk('ftp');
$url = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

use MagicLink\Actions\ViewAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

// Url to view a internal.blade.php
$url = MagicLink::create(new ViewAction('internal', [
    'data' => 'Your private custom content',

use MagicLink\Actions\ResponseAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

$action = new ResponseAction(function () {

    return redirect('/change_password');

$urlToCustomFunction = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

use MagicLink\Actions\ControllerAction;
use MagicLink\MagicLink;

// Call the method __invoke of the controller
$url = MagicLink::create(new ControllerAction(MyController::class))->url;

// Call the method show of the controller
$url = MagicLink::create(new ControllerAction(MyController::class, 'show'))->url;

use MagicLink\Actions\ActionAbstract;

class MyCustomAction extends ActionAbstract
    public function __construct(public int $variable)

    public function run()
        // Do something

        return response()->json([
            'success' => true,
            'data' => $this->variable,

use MagicLink\MagicLink;

$action = new MyCustomAction('Hello world');

$urlToCustomAction = MagicLink::create($action)->url;

$magiclink = MagicLink::create($action);


$urlShowView = $magiclink->url; //

$magiclink = MagicLink::create(new DownloadFileAction('private_document.pdf'));


$urlToSend = $magiclink->url;

'access_code' => [
    'view' => 'magiclink::access-code', // Change with your view

$lifetime = 60; // 60 minutes

$magiclink = MagicLink::create(new ResponseAction(), $lifetime);

$urlToSend = $magiclink->url;

$lifetime = null; // not expired in the time
$numMaxVisits = 1; // Only can visit one time

$magiclink = MagicLink::create(new ResponseAction(), $lifetime, $numMaxVisits);

$urlToSend = $magiclink->url;

    'invalid_response' => [
        'class'   => MagicLink\Responses\Response::class,
        'options' => [
            'content' => 'forbidden',
            'status' => 403,

    'invalid_response' => [
        'class'   => MagicLink\Responses\AbortResponse::class,
        'options' => [
            'message' => 'You Shall Not Pass!',
            'status' => 403,

    'invalid_response' => [
        'class'   => MagicLink\Responses\RedirectResponse::class,
        'options' => [
            'to' => '/not_valid_path',
            'status' => 301,

    'invalid_response' => [
        'class'   => MagicLink\Responses\ViewResponse::class,
        'options' => [
            'view' => 'invalid',
            'data' => [],
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MagicLink\MagicLinkServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MagicLink\MagicLinkServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MagicLink\MagicLinkServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"