PHP code example of centralnic-reseller / idn-converter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download centralnic-reseller/idn-converter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


centralnic-reseller / idn-converter example snippets

use CNIC\IDNA\Factory\ConverterFactory;

// Convert a domain string to Unicode format
$domain = "";
$unicodeDomain = ConverterFactory::toUnicode($domain);
echo "Unicode Domain: $unicodeDomain\n";

use CNIC\IDNA\Factory\ConverterFactory;

// Convert a domain string to Punycode format
$unicodeDomain = "";
$punycodeDomain = ConverterFactory::toASCII($unicodeDomain);
echo "Punycode Domain: $punycodeDomain\n";

use CNIC\IDNA\Factory\ConverterFactory;

// Convert multiple domain strings to Unicode and Punycode formats
$domains = ["", "mü", "рф.ru"];
$convertedDomains = ConverterFactory::convert($domains);
foreach ($convertedDomains as $domain) {
    echo "Unicode Domain: {$domain['IDN']}, Punycode Domain: {$domain['PUNYCODE']}\n";

### `ConverterFactory::toUnicode($keyword, $options = [])`

Converts a domain string to Unicode format.

- **Parameters:**
  - `$keyword` (string): The domain string to convert.
  - `$options` (array): Additional options for the conversion process (optional).
- **Returns:** The converted domain in Unicode format, or `false` if the keyword is empty.

### `ConverterFactory::toASCII($keyword, $options = [])`

Converts a domain string to Punycode format.

- **Parameters:**
  - `$keyword` (string): The domain string to convert.
  - `$options` (array): Additional options for the conversion process (optional).
- **Returns:** The converted domain in Punycode format, or `false` if the keyword is empty.