PHP code example of ceddyg / query-builder-repository

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ceddyg/query-builder-repository library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ceddyg / query-builder-repository example snippets


namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    //By default $sTable = 'products'
    protected $sTable = 'product';

    //By default $sPrimaryKey = 'id'
    protected $sPrimaryKey = 'id_products';

    //The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = ['name','category'];

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->all(); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->all(['name']); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1); //StdClass with all columns
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name']); //StdClass with specific columns

echo oProduct->name; 

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findByField('name', 'Matrix'); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findByField('name', 'Matrix', ['name', 'category']); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere(['price' => 20]); //Will find all products where the price = 20 and return a Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere(['price', '<', 20]); //Will find all products where the price < 20 and return a Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere([['price', '<', 20]], ['name']); //Will find all products where the price < 20 and return a Collection 
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhere([['price', '<', 20], ['name', 'LIKE', 'Mat%']], ['name']);

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'])); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'], ['name', 'category'])); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereNotIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'])); //Collection
$oProducts = $oRepository->findWhereNotIn('name', ['Matrix', 'Matrix 2'], ['name', 'category'])); //Collection

foreach ($oProducts as $oProduct)
    //$oProduct is a StdClass
    echo oProduct->name;
    echo oProduct->category;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oRepository->first(); //StdClass
$oRepository->first(['name']); //StdClass

#### last

Return the last record.

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
    'category'   => 'DVD'
$aAttributes = [
        'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
        'category'   => 'DVD'
        'name'      => 'Matrix 3',
        'category'   => 'DVD'

$oRepository->create($aAttributes);//Return insert id if 1 create or bool if multiple

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 1',
    'category'   => 'DVD'

$oRepository->update(1, $aAttributes);

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$aAttributes = [
    'ref' => 'PROD-01'

$aValues = [
    'name'      => 'Matrix 2',
    'category'   => 'DVD'

$oProduct = $oRepository->updateOrCreate($aAttributes, $aValues)

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oRepository->delete(1); //Delete the record with id 1
$oRepository->delete([1, 2, 3]); //Delete the record with id 1, 2 and 3

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$sTable = $oRepository->getTable();

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$sPrimaryKey = $oRepository->getPrimaryKey();

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->all();
$oProducts = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->all(['name']);//Will merge fill in the view and parameters in all()

$oProduct = $oRepository->getFillFromView('product/index')->find(1);
$oProducts = $oRepository
    ->findWhere([['price', '<', 20], ['name', 'LIKE', 'Mat%']], ['name']);

public function indexAjax(Request $oRequest)
    $oRepository = new ProductRepository();

    return $this->oRepository->datatable($oRequest->all());

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->orderBy('name')->all();
$oProducts = $oRepository->orderBy('name')->findWhere(['categorie_id', 1]);
$oProduct = $oRepository->orderBy('id', 'desc')->find(1, ['name']); //Useless

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProducts = $oRepository->limit(0, 10)->all(); //Will take the first 10 records
$oProducts = $oRepository->limit(5, 5)->all(); //Will take the 5 records after the 5th record.
$oProduct = $oRepository->limit(0, 10)->find(1, ['name']); //Useless

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
     * Indicates if the query should be timestamped.
     * @var bool
    protected $bTimestamp = true;

     * The name of the "created at" column.
     * @var string
    const CREATED_AT = 'created_at';

     * The name of the "updated at" column.
     * @var string
    const UPDATED_AT = 'updated_at';

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository

    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
    protected $aDates = ['date_limit'];
    //By default $sDateFormatToGet = 'Y-m-d'
    protected $sDateFormatToGet = 'd/m/Y';

    //By default $sDateFormatToStore = 'Y-m-d'
    protected $sDateFormatToStore = 'Y-m-d';

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['date_limit']);
echo $oProduct->date_limit; // 24/05/2017

$oRepository->update(1, ['date_limit' => '25/05/2017']) // Will store 2017-05-25 in the database

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository

    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
     * Will change a fill that came from the database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getPriceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->price * 1.2;
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getReferenceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->name.' '.oItem->category;

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['name', 'category', 'price', 'reference']);

namespace App\Repositories;

use CeddyG\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    protected $aFillable = ['name', 'category', 'price', 'date_limit'];
     * List of the customs attributes.
     * @var array
    protected $aCustomAttribute = [
        'reference' => [
        'tag_name' => [
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getReferenceAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->name.' '.oItem->category;
     * Will create a new attribute that not in database
     * @param Collection|StdClass $oItem
    public function getTagNameAttribute($oItem)
        return oItem->tag[0]->name;

    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';
        $sOtherForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        //If $sOtherForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsToMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_tag', $sForeignKey, $sOtherForeignKey);

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->first(['price', 'reference', 'tag_name']);

belongsTo($sRepository, $sForeignKey = null)
belongsToMany($sRepository, $sPivotTable, $sForeignKey = null, $sOtherForeignKey = null)
hasMany($sRepository, $sForeignKey = null)

namespace App\Repositories;

use Ceddyg\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    //By default $sTable = 'product'
    protected $sTable = 'products';

    //By default $sPrimaryKey = 'id'
    protected $sPrimaryKey = 'id_products';

    //The attributes that are mass assignable.
    protected $fillable = ['name','category'];

    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsTo('App\Repositories\TagRepository', $sForeignKey);
    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';
        $sOtherForeignKey = 'fk_tag';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        //If $sOtherForeignKey is null, the method will set tag_id (<table name of TagRepository>.'_id')
        $this->belongsToMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_tag', $sForeignKey, $sOtherForeignKey);
    public function tag()
        $sForeignKey = 'fk_product';

        //If $sForeignKey is null, the method will set 'product_id' (<table name>.'_id')
        $this->hasMany('App\Repositories\TagRepository', 'product_id');

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

//It will take the name attribut and add the relation tag to an attribut "tag"
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name', 'tag']);

echo $oProduct->name;
echo $oProduct->tag->name;

//If belongsToMany or hasMany relation, $oProduct->tag is a Collection
foreach ($oProduct->tag as $oTag)
    //$oTag is a StdClass
    echo $oTag->name;

* List of relations we allow in getFillFromView.
* @var array 
protected $aRelations = ['tag'];

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

//True : collection | false : array (good way to work with a lot of data)
$oRepository->setReturnCollection(false); //True by default

//It will take the name attribut and add the relation tag to an attribut "tag"
$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1, ['name', 'tag']);

foreach ($oProduct->tag as $oTag)
    //$oTag is a StdClass
    echo $oTag->name;

namespace App\Repositories;

use Ceddyg\QueryBuilderRepository\QueryBuilderRepository;

class ProductRepository extends QueryBuilderRepository
    protected $sConnection = 'mysql';

$oRepository = new ProductRepository();

$oProduct = $oRepository->find(1);